Chapter Three The World In The Middle

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I appeared in a field of flowers. Amerasu said that colorful things are fun to destroy. These flowers are definitely colorful. Colorful is a funny word is it col or ful. Wait this is not a field of flowers this is a war field maybe I had another vision or Amerasu destroyed it all already, but I can't seem to find him. Maybe he left, because all I see is humans killing each other and the other demons. A big group of humans started running towards us. They jumped in the air and shot fireballs from their mouths. All of them had funny eyes it looked the same as the one I saw in my vision. The man in the vision had funnier eyes, his eyes were purple with a circle and another circle in the middle then two more circles in the middle. Just imagining it makes me dizzy. Then I started feeling hot. Those humans were still shooting fire at us. Why were they shooting fire at us? Why aren't they being nice like father was? I was so confused. I just sat there stunned. Were humans really meany's like Amerasu said? Then Gyuuki punched all the humans at once with his giant fists. Every other demon ran into the nearby forests. I tried to follow them but got blocked by some humans. I heard one say "that one looks weak let's go get the other monsters first". They left and I ran into the forest. Try to keep them separated and it will be easier to catch them. Then I saw fathers dead body I started to cry but I kept running. Humans were still chasing us. I managed to out run them but I also lost the other demons. I started searching for a nice place to sleep. I found a cave so I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

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