7:Kai Rain

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This is requested by @_Kimjongin_
And well, im sorry if I didn't make you cry because idk how to make anyone cry and I cant make myself cry but I cried once reading a fanfic and I cried watching movies anw you get my point I really tried hahahhaah

Spoiler alert: she died. Lol no

Anyways I hope you guys liked this fanfic! I have 2 more which I am still writing and I hope I can have more requests hahah ( I mean one by one cause exams are coming and idek what im studying )

Thank you for reading! Ily~ 사랑해~ :D
Follow me on Instagram! @exo.fanfics.88 !

~태린~ :D
Oh and check out my another book! Its called Nekxo and well, its a fanfic hahaha I hope you guys like that and give me support on that fanfic! Thank you~

You Broke your promise.

But i still love you.

I'm so stupid.

Should I tell him the truth?

Visit me soon.

I miss you.

[7 Years Ago...]
"We found a Tumor in your brain connected to your nerves. It will be extremely hard to remove. Even if we removed it the percentage of you staying alive is very less. "
"No. Doctor it can't be! I'm so healthy I eat my veggies I exercise often why do I have a god damn tumor in my head?! "
Kai said hitting his head hardly.
"Jongin! Calm down! Hitting your head won't solve the problem. I suggest you tell your family members about this. "
"Thank you doctor. I'll make a move. "
"Take good care of yourself, Jongin. "

[Later that day... ]
[Kai's POV]
how am I going to tell Shinyoung?
She's gunna be so mad at me...

My head hurts again! Ahhhhhh!
"Ahhhhhhhh!!! "
I ran as fast as my body can take to the table where my medicine is.

That tumor is killing me.

How should I say it to her.

She is the only person I have now...

"Hello? Hyung? Can you come over, I have something to tell you. "
"Jongin ah, what happened? I'll be over right away. "
[End POV]

*knock knock knock *
"Jongin-ya! Open the door! "
Kai walked weakly to the door, opening at and saw D.O holding a few plastic bags containing food.
"Jongin! Why do you look so pale? Come sit down! "

"Hyung, Please don't run away when I say this. "
"I will not run away don't worry. Why would I run away? "
"Hyung, I have a brain tumor in my head, the chances of taking it out and me continue living is very little. I don't know how much time I have left, but I don't think there is much time. "
"Jongin don't joke with me! This isn't funny hahahahahahah "
"I'm not, I went for my checkup yesterday, Kyungsoo Hyung, I'm so scared... I don't want to leave you guys... I don't want to leave Shinyoung. "
"Jongin.... I'm so sorry... You want me to tell her? "
"No need, I'll tell her myself. "

[A Few Days Later...]
[Kakao Talk]
Kai: hey babe, can we talk? I have something important to tell you.
Shinyoung: what is it? Can't you just tell me here?
Kai: can we meet up?
Shinyoung: Im really busy now! We'll talk later.
Kai: Okay...

Kai wanted to tell shinyoung but he didn't want to startle her.
~Shinyoung... Im so sorry...~

Kai went to the grocery store and brought some ingredients for tonight's dinner, he wanted to do something special for Shinyoung.

He however, only knew how to do kimchi spaghetti.

But he knew its shinyoung's favorite.

"Yeoboseyo? Jagiya? Ne? Ah im on the way home. Okay sure! I'll drive you! "

Shinyoung wanted kai to drive her home.
Well luckily the always efficient kai always prepare his things a few hours early, especially when he knows that he is cooking.

He went home and prepared the things for the kimchi spaghetti.
He went to drive shinyoung back home.

Shinyoung got on the car, she seemed as tired as ever.

Everytime kai went to drive her, she will always kiss him.

But she didn't this time.

The drive was silent, none of them were talking.

When they reached home, Kai prepared the food.

~Kimchi spaghetti again?~

"Jagiya,I have something important to tell you... Please accept it... "

"You're breaking up with me huh? I knew it. "

Shinyoung slapped him really hard.

"I always knew there was another girl. Dont come and look for me ever again! "

She ran out and slammed the door.

[Kai's POV]
What happened... Why didn't she let me finish what I have to say?

Just when I needed her the most...

Why did she leave me?



[End POV]

[7 Years later]
[Your POV]
"Come on Jongshin! Hurry up! We are going to see your appa! "
"Coming umma! "

Im going to tell him today.

Aren't you happy to see your son?

He wants to see you so badly.

Walking on the concrete pavements on a rainy day, nobody is here, it is quiet and nice.

I look up and I see your face.

"Look Jongshin! Its your appa, isn't he handsome? "

"ooouahhh appa is so high up, why isn't he here with us? "

"He is. "

I reached your grave, and saw your face, still as handsome as the first time I see you.

I miss you Jongin...

A teardrop and a raindrop slid down my face.

"Appa, where are you hiding? I cant see you! Come out~~ Jongshin wants to play with you~~ "

"Jongshin-ah, appa is busy, he will meet us soon and play with you. Lets go home. "

Come and see me in my dreams.

I will wait.

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