Since Amy was 5 years old, she would often go to this special spot. She described it as a little hill with a couple of trees and a nice sunset. Amy would often go right after school, and I mean like as soon as she got of the bus she would trow her schoolbag in the house, then grab her peddle bike and take off to her special spot. She wouldn't let anyone els go with her not eaving her mom or dad. If they would of went, Amy would refuse to go ever again.
So like any little girl she would dance and sing in the daisy's that were all over the beautiful hill, she would climb up the trees and lay down in them to relax, often she would lay down on the hill and watch the clouds sway by, and eaving sometimes she would bring a basket of stuff and have a picnic all by herself, we'll I shouldn't say all by herself because sometimes she would have little baby ducks and bunnys visit her.
The Wild Horse
AdventureSince Amy a 14 year old girl was 5 years old she always visited a hill close to her house every day. That tradition is stile continuing today. But one day she finds something laying on the hill. What is it? Read to find out.