Chapiter 4

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A couple days later, Amy got home from school, and onse again she grabbed her peddle bike and took off to her special spot "the hill" but this time she brang her little dog Kasie with her to the hill because Kasie really needed some exercise, and she could run around on the hill.

So anyway, when they got there Amy did as usual and danced and sing around in the daisy's. Then she climbed up the same tree she always does. But All of a sudden, Kasie started to bark at something behind the tree. Amy jumped down and ran over to see what it was. She couldn't beleve her eyes. Amy saw a animal she has always wanted to see and pet and maybe eaven ride," A horse!" And this time she wasn't seeing things, it was for real, A real alive black and white horse. Maybe she wasn't seeing things. Maybe she saw that same horse the other day too!

She looked at the animal for a wile with its hair in the wind, the horse was staring right at Amy, thank god Kasie started to bark. After about 15 mins the horse wasn't moving so Amy decided to go over to it and try to pet it. But when she got her hand ready to pet the horse, it dashed!

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