Chapter 3 : Batman and Pizza ?

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        CC's POV: I smiled and ran into the bus. Literally. I smashed into the door and fell, landing on my back. Obviously I wasn't the brightest guy but hey, I was hungry. And no one liked a hungry CC. It could get ugly very quickly.

        "Are you okay !?" Ashley ran up to me.

        "Y-Yeah I'm fin-  I wasn't talking you." Ashley cuts me off. I look up at him, Confused. He just laughs and helps me to my feet.

        " I was talking to the bus, which you nearly dented."  He says. I roll my eyes and shove him away.

        "You're such a werido Ashley. Don't you know Jake is the one that usually takes to random objects ?"

        " I only talk to chairs !" Jake shouted at us, making everyone laugh. Andy walked up to us and opened the door to the bus. I grabbed Crow and ran inside, ordering the pizza as quickly as possible. Once I had that taken care of  I grabbed a monster from the fridge, turned on the T.V and sat down on the couch.

"Crow come sit by me ! " I beckoned her over to the couch and handed her the remote.

"Turn on any show you want." I told her and she started flipping through the channels. Andy, Jinxx, Jake and Ashley all walked onto the bus. Andy sat beside Crow and I and watched as the T.V displayed multiple different shows and movies. Suddenly both Andy and Crow saw one show that they both obviously agreed on.

"BATMAN !" They shouted in unison and me and the rest of the guys groaned. Ashley picked up the remote.

" I SWEAR TO GOD ASHLEY IF YOU CHANGE THE CHANNEL I WILL CASTRATE YOU WITH A LIGHTER!" Crow warned him aggressively, not taking her eyes off the screen. Ashley set the remote back down ever so slowly and sat on the opposite side of the couch, not wanted to have his southern region roasted. Andy chuckled and smiled at Crow, making Ashley flip him off.

We heard a knock at the door but we were all too lazy to answer.

"1, 2 , 3 NOT IT !" I shout  quickly pressing my finger to my nose. The rest came in this order : Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and Crow. Everyone looked at her and she glanced at us.

"I'm not getting up, If I do it's going to be because I'm chasing  Ashley to burn his peanut off with a lighter." She growled. ( A/N You dirty minded ones thought it said something else other than 'peanut.' XD continue with the story)

Ashley swallowed nervously. "Okay we get the point ! Jake stop being lazy and go get the door ." He said with a nervous laugh.

Jake rolled his eyes and trudged to the door. After a minute or so he came back with the pizza that I ordered. I grinned and took a box knowing I could eat at least one of them along with a good 2 or 3 packs of monster. He looked over and smiled at me, making me blush and look back down at my pepperoni pizza. What the heck was wrong with me ?  I knew I was homosexual but I didn't think I liked Jake. Or did I ? The door bell rang again and we all looked at each other.

"CC, Did you order us MORE pizza ? And why is your face red ?" Jake asked, looking confused. I shook my head and stuffed more pizza into my mouth. Jake sighed and got up only to find out it was NOT the pizza guy. It was someone much more Aggressive than the pizza guy. It was ...( A/N This is a jerk move but CLIFF-HANGER !)

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