Chapter 1: Diner disaster.

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"CROW!" I heard my cousin yell. My head throbbed. She had kicked at me repeatedly until I was unconscious the previous day and I was still covered with bruises. "There's no need to yell, idiot!" I replied reflexively.

"What did you just say to her !? " Another voice shouted at me. God dammit. I knew who's voice that belong to. It was my Aunt's. I heard her stomping up the stairs. It sounded like a herd of elephants as she slammed the door open.

"What did you say to my REAL daughter !?" She snarled as she storms in to my room.

"I...I just said..." I was too startled to finish the sentence.

"I can't believe my sister made me take care of you. You're just like her, ungrateful, worthless and retarded. The only difference between you is she's DEAD." She spat. I felt hot tears filling my eyes. I raced out of the room narrowly eluding her outstretched hands. I heard her yelling at me to get back in the house but I just ran. I ran out of the room, out of the house , out of the city. I stopped running when I could no longer breathe. After I caught my breath I walked, following the road until I came to a small diner. I walked inside and sat down at a booth in the far corner. I sighed and closed my eyes. I wasn't sure how long I sat there asleep but nothing bothered me until I heard the argument from the other side of the diner.

"CC Get off the table !"

My eyes snapped open. I knew that voice. It was one of the many that often played in my head phones. My eyes trailed to the tall figure with gorgeous deep blue eyes. He was shouting at another man who was standing on the table.

"No ! This is my table !" CC yelled back at him,obviously drunk. I couldn't help but stare in shock. Seated on the other side of the table was Jake and Jinxx. They both were trying to act as if nothing was going on. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Andy trying to get CC down while Jinxx and Jake just tried to eat their food and act as if there wasn't a grown man standing on the table.

"CC What are you doing !?" I watch as Ashley walked into the diner covered in war paint without his shirt. Then him and the waiter started to have an argument about the no shirt, no shoes no service rule.

"Sir, we need you to put a Shirt on or leave." One waiter told him while an older crabby waitress yelled at the other guys to get CC off the table and leave.

"Who the hell gave CC monster and Alcohol before we went in public!?" Jake demanded,losing it completely. I decided to just get up and leave when Ashley jumped onto the table and pushed CC off it. Apparently they didn't see me hastily trying to leave because he pushed the mighty drunk CC right into me. We both fell to the floor. I yelped in pain. My fresh bruises now stung like fire. Andy's beautiful face suddenly showed a great deal of concern and he ran over to us.

"God dammit you guys watch what the hell you're doing !" He pushed CC off and helped me to my feet.

"Are you okay ?" He asked softly.

"I'm so sorry Andy I was just leaving, I didn't mean to get in your way." I apologize instinctively, ignoring his question.

"No it's not your fault Ashley was the one tha-wait a minute, how do you know my name ?" He suddenly looked at my attire. I was wearing a pair of Black skinny jeans,a ton of various band bracelets and one of my black veil brides t-shirts under a black leather jacket.

"I-I love your music." I stuttered with embarrassment looking like a huge stalker.

"Aw, Look Andy she's blushing !" Ashley laughed.

"Shut up Purdy !" Andy and I shout in unison.

"You all need to get out before I call the police!" The older waitress screeches at all of us. We hurry out of the diner.

"Sorry about CC and his fat ass squashing you." Andy apologizes again.

"Yeah Sorry about that..." CC says, pulling me into a tight hug. It felt like my bones were about to shatter.

"CC.....I can't.....breathe...." I say while trying to get him off.

", what's your name ?" CC asked, letting go of me.

"I'm...I'm Crow...." I say coughing. I can see why they call him the Destroyer.

"Are you alright ?" Andy asked while punching CC in the shoulder. This made me giggle but I immediately stopped after the bruises on my stomach started to ache worse as I did so.

"I'm fine..." I tried to smile at him but I felt awkward looking up into his beautiful, blue eyes that shone with the confidence he always seemed to have. I knew today was going to be a long day. And it was sure to be an interesting one.

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