Chapter 2

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Third Person POV:

The Royals

Blue Queen: We're back.

Yellow Queen: It was about time.

Red King: Agreed. Liar Rossi's minions are getting out of hand and I'm surprised I didn't break our cover today.

Yellow Queen: What did they do this time?

Red King: They ruined the comic Marc and I made which by the way, has a deadline in 2 days.

Blue Queen: And my commissions book.

Yellow Queen: OH HELL NAH


Blue Queen: Calm down, Chlo. We can't just do this without planning.

Yellow Queen: So what are we going to do to get rid of that little snake?

Red King: Slow and painful takedown? Those are my favourite.

Blue Queen: That's our best bet right now. Lie-la's minions may be stupid, but she isn't and we need to be careful.

Yellow Queen: So what you're saying is....?

Blue Queen: Nath, get Aurore and Mirelle to post the news that we're back on the school website at exactly midnight on Monday. I'll have new uniforms for us by then. Chloe, Are we good to hang out at the hotel tomorrow? We need to plan.

Yellow Queen: Absolutely.

Red King: Are we going to wear the pins on Monday? I'm certain none of us have thrown them away.

Blue Queen: Of course.

Blue Queen: It's time to take the liar down.


The following weekend consisted of plotting. They had to be smart, sneaky, and careful if they were going to take the liar down and thankfully, there were all three and more.

After forming a solid plan and a few backups, they were ready to reconquer their kingdom.


Before they knew it, Monday had arrived and the news had spread like wildfire on the school website.

The Royals are back, and they're here to say

Liars and bullies won't last a day

-The Royals

Almost everyone had heard the news. Those who knew who they were practically bounced with joy, and those who didn't know were told.

This is what the Royals had expected when they arrived, and they were not disappointed.

Marinette had made new outfits for all of them. Nathaniel would be sporting a blood red blazer with a white undershirt and black pants.

Chloe would be wearing the same blazer and white undershirt, the only difference being that her blazer was a powerful golden yellow. Marinette paired it with white knee socks and a black pleated skirt.

She would be wearing a deeper than navy blue blazer with the same undershirt as the rest, as well as the same skirt as Chloe and black knee socks.

Then there was the final touch. Their matching pins shined proudly on their blazers. Shaped like crowns, they each adorned a jewel matching the colour each Royal was wearing.

With their newly boosted confidence at being back together again, they left Chloe's limo and walked through the courtyard, a path being cleared for them as they moved.

From not so far away, a group of students watched, confused.

Lila internally sneered at the group before putting on her "nice" voice and asking, "What are they doing?"

Alya glared at the trio before answering. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good. What are the students even doing? She doesn't deserve that kind of respect!"

Nino came up behind them and paled when he saw what they were looking at. They were back?

He pulled out his phone and checked the school website. After seeing the post, he looked at Lila and Alya worriedly.

He knew Lila was a liar. He had believed her at first, but had grown skeptical when she started saying things about Marinette. He knew she wouldn't do those things. After that he did some research. Jagged Stone never had a cat, he's allergic. Prince Ali hadn't done any work for the charity Lila had talked about. The more he looked, the less everything added up.

Why did he stay? Alya. As much as he had grown to dislike the liar, he still had feelings for the blogger. He tried to convince her to look at the evidence, but he was dismissed.

He had abandoned one of his best friends for her. And now, he was going to pay for it.

Seeing her distressed boyfriend, Alya asked who they were.

"The Royals ruled Francois Dupont Elementary school. You know those movies with the main group who practically run the school? The Royals were ours."

Alya scowled. "So they're just a bunch of bullies who boss people around?"

Nino regained his composure and answered, "No. They did the opposite, actually. They got rid of bullies and liars, as well as enabling teachers and staff. Their connections are crazy, and I bet they've gotten more since then. Nathaniel was their source of sarcasm and sass. Chloe was the intimidator. and Marinette," He shivered, "Marinette was the brains and power of the group. She was fair but absolutely ruthless when it was needed. Pissing them off might as well be a death wish. You would lose your social status, get expelled or fired and sometimes worse."

Adrien frowned. He had told Marinette to take the high road, hadn't he? Lila's lies weren't hurting anyone, but by the looks of it, she was ready to take her down.

He was brought back from his thoughts when Lila took the opportunity to bring the attention back to herself. "Oh, no! They must be after me! Marinette thinks I'm a liar, and Nino said they get liars expelled! She must have convinced them that I'm a liar to get me into trouble!" She cried, crocodile tears streaming from her eyes.

The class came rushing to her side, comforting her while glaring at the Royals.

Lila was furious. Why was Marinette of all people getting all the attention? It should be her they cleared the way for, not that little brat!

Marinette met Lila's eyes and seeing the hidden rage, smirked.

This was going to be more entertaining than she could have hoped.

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