Chapter One

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That morning

I took a sip of my coffee as I scanned through the newspaper. Ads here, ads there, nothing important.

I had just taken another slug when I spotted something.

Though the time was barely more than 7 a.m., I was the only one awake save Pablo, the cook. The griddle sizzled with heat as he flipped what I assumed were some pancakes.

The feature article for that morning's newspaper was about Trigger.

Wes Dübland Selling Star Horse

Top horse breeder, Wes Dübland, announces the imminent sale of his prize winning horse, Trigger. This equine has been throwing every rider in the rodeo without fault. "There's never been a man that could stay on him," Dübland notes. "When the rider isn't able to score, I'm able to make more money. He was a good horse, but I am looking to get out of the business and retire." He tells us. "I plan on selling him after tonight's rodeo."

The asking price for such an amazing bucking horse is nearly $8,000. He was bred by a fine stallion called Fireballs, and out of a prize mare named Gunner. Both these horses earned well over $50,000 in their bucking careers and have retired.

Come see Trigger in his final run tonight, at the Cowskin Creek Rodeo. Our own town sweetheart, Evangeline Harrison, is even scheduled to compete on him!

As I read the last part, I nearly choked on the bitter black coffee. The article had just begun to sink in. I slammed my mug onto the kitchen table and spat the drink out of my mouth. Wes is finally selling Trigger!! And the newspaper mentioned me. How nice of them.

"Pablo!" I screeched, jumping up and down with excitement. "They're selling Trigger! Do you know what this means?!?" I cried, throwing my hands up with joy. By this time, I had abandoned the newspaper and started jumping around.

I'd fancied the grulla gelding for years. His spirit captivated me in every way, and I knew that one day I would make him mine.

I hopped about the kitchen and danced around the island with ecstasy. Somehow, I managed to avoid the pancake ingredients strewn about.

"Calm down, Señora," Pablo warned. "You'll wake Mr. Richard."

"Do I look like I care, Sanchez?" I retorted. Speak of the devil...At that moment, my sleepy, and irritable looking father arrived from downstairs.

"What's the big idea?" He groaned, stretching his arms. Then he proceeded to scratch his salt and pepper mustache.

"Daddy!" I squealed, rushing towards him with glee. He accepted my hug with a grunt, and I could almost hear his old bones creaking.

"Evangeline," he laughed. "What is the matter?"

I released my father just as the five ranch hands squeezed themselves in through the garage door single file.

As usual, Kyle was the first inside, followed by his brother Benny, then Joe and Ty, and finally Everett who was in his early seventies and overdue for retirement.

"Hey, baby!" Kyle grinned snidely. He strutted towards me like a peacock, lifting my face with a hand.

You see, Kyle has a bit of an issue with letting go. When he was hired I figured it would be okay to go on a few dates, but he was obsessive so I broke it off quickly. He never leaves me alone anymore.

"Kyle, if you touch me, I'll-" I began, trying to slap his hand away. He caught me, and leaned his head inwards toward my face.

Before he could get any further, I felt anger boiling up inside me. I ripped my hand from his grasp and punched him in the face. I had just drawn it back again when my dad stopped me. Still, it was a happy sight when I saw blue marks forming where my fingers left a print.

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