L o o k i n g F o r S o m e G o o d B o y x B o y/ M a n x M a n S t o r i e s...?
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FAQ: What do I think?
Honestly this story is a bit interesting but at the same time it's hard to keep up with the main character sometimes I feel like the plot really takes a bit to unfold and honestly it could be better I would rate this a 5/10 only because so far I haven't finished reading it because there are not that many yummy scenes which I need in order to properly function but I'm going to finish it and see if it gets better if not my rating will remain the same. I also feel like the main character is a little much in denial about his sexuality I mean it is a manxman story so admitting your gay shouldn't be as hard as I feel he's making it. BTW I hope I didn't spoil it cause y'all don't know how it's going to end so ;).