18| Ground Rules

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I ran into the arms of my mother when I spotted her at the airport. We both screamed in joy, holding onto each other tight. She smelt like berries on a lazy, sunny day, and I inhaled the familiar smell, holding onto my childhood. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, honey." She smiled at me. "I'm so glad you're here now."

She unwrapped her arms from around my waist, her eyes then turning to the figure behind me. I felt his powerful shadow, the dominating presence telling me he would protect me even if I couldn't see him. I saw her approach Nicolas, beaming at him, pulling him down for a hug. I chuckled slightly when I took in his stunned expression. His face softened when it fell upon mine, and he hugged her back.

"Your dad's at the farm, so he couldn't make it." Mom said. "Uh..."

I looked behind me in confusion. Lorenzo stood there in his big bad alpha pose, his eyes moving like an eagle, amassing the possibility of any threat to his boss. He was a tall man, lean and muscular, perfect bodyguard material. Benjamin and Matthew had stayed back, Lorenzo was enough intimidating.

"I apologise for the inconvenience." Nicolas said from behind me. His hand grabbed mine, interlacing our fingers, tracing the back of my palm. 

My mother eyed our hands, a small smile appearing on her face. "It's all cool. We do have a spare bedroom at the house. Shall we?"

Nicolas nodded at Lorenzo, his eyes conveying something to him that I couldn't read. Lorenzo nodded back and retreated, probably going off towards his car. Nicolas pulled me to his side and we walked behind my mother. 

"You do know everyone's gonna bombard you with questions, right?" Mom asked me. "You're kinda famous now. Ashley is gonna blow on you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Well, she's gonna have to deal with it."

She chuckled. "So, Nicolas. I should warn you about her dad. This is the first time she's bringing a guy to meet us, and he's quite cautious."

Nicolas snapped his gaze to me. Then he looked back at my mother, but his lips were pulled up into a small smile. "I suppose that's alright. I respect Nora, and I respect her family."

"I also think I should ask you even though I'm quite happy about this. What are your intentions with my daughter?"

I groaned. He clutched my hand in his, shaking his head. "We're still figuring it out. But I can assure you I'll be the last one to hurt her. Anyone who hurts her deals with her, and then with me."

Mom's lips pulled up into a smile. "An honest response, I like that."

The rest of the ride was in silence. Nico was looking out of the window as I drew imaginary patterns on his palm. I traced the creases, pulling my eyebrows in a scrunch. We reached my house a few minutes later and I jumped out, suddenly too excited to meet my family. My childhood house was the same as I remembered, and it made me nostalgic.

Nicolas bent down to whisper in my ear, "Who's Ashley?"

I scowled. "My cousin. I never got along with her."

"Why would she be pissed at you?" 

"Because you're my boyfriend." I stated, making him raise an eyebrow in amusement. I explained, "I'm dating a famous, rich, sexy billionaire. She's gotta be jealous. She'll flirt with you every second she gets."

"Well, good thing I have you to shoo her away." He murmured.

I grinned at him as we walked inside. My parents had the interiors changed once I moved out, so the house was painted a dark blue and cream instead of the red and white I remembered. The furniture had been changed according to the colour theme, and even though I hadn't spent much time here since the renovation, it was still my house. The paint didn't matter.

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