12| It's Complicated

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"Absolutely not. I'm not some child who needs to be babysat." I spat out.

"Do they look like fucking babysitters to you?" Nicolas spat back and pointed to the two brooding souls standing against the wall. They stood frozen, not saying a word. They blended with the surroundings so well that I forgot they were even there.

"I don't care. I don't agree."

"You don't need to agree. It's final." He said.

"Some fucking nerve you have." I hissed out. "I will not tolerate this, Nicolas."

"This is for your own fucking safety and protection!" He emphasised each word. "Why don't you understand that?"

"I don't need protection. So what if the media knows now? What can they do?" I realised how dumb my question was the moment I said it out loud. Media could destroy my career, it could destroy my life.

He raised an eyebrow, he knew I knew. "Don't argue with me on this, Nora. I know you don't like this, I don't like making you do something you don't like. But I need to be able to know you're safe and this is my way doing it, alright?"

I sighed. When he said it like that, I couldn't deny. "How do I know you're safe?"

He smiled. "I have practice on dealing with them. You don't. Besides, you won't even know they're there."

"Will they follow me everywhere?" I asked, unimpressed. "The bathroom as well?"

His eyes turned amused. "Benjamin and Matthew will drop you at the office everyday. They'll also take you anywhere you want to go. I just don't want you to be alone when you're out. You're either with me, or with them."

"So basically I'm not allowed to have my freedom anymore." I stated.

He took a step forward, his eyes softening as he lightly traced my cheekbone. I closed my eyes to savour his touch. "I hate this, Nora, more than you do. But you have to understand this is needed right now. The media is cruel, okay? You're in this spotlight because of me, and it's my duty-"

I cupped his face. "No. You don't get to blame yourself. I knew the risks. I willingly participated in everything. You're not at fault, Nico. I'm in the spotlight because I chose to be, okay?"

He grabbed my head and pulled my lips to his. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I whispered.

"You're important to me, Nora." He said softly. "I know it's been only a few weeks, but you are. I promise this is only for a short while. They'll get bored eventually and leave us alone and I swear I won't make you do this ever again."

My toes curled. He pulled me further into his chest and signalled the two men to leave us alone. When they left, Nicolas pushed his head into my neck and held me tight. I traced his arms gently as they tightened, and felt him take a deep inhale of my scent.

"Stay here tonight." He said. I found myself agreeing.


I woke up to the smell of coffee beans and chocolate. It was an amazing smell to wake up to. And Nicolas Reid swinging his hips in the kitchen, stark naked, was an amazing sight to wake up to. And the fact that he was in the kitchen making breakfast for me, was an amazing thought to wake up to.

I couldn't help but giggle when I saw him shaking his firm ass. He turned around at the sound, his eyes wide. A laugh spluttered out of my throat when I saw his astonished expression. "I didn't know you had moves out of bed as well."

"You're going to forget you ever saw that." He said. "Promise me."


"Nora," He walked towards me slowly. "You are."

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