The photo shoot

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Leona (assistant): "Vanessa, Vanessa come on we don't have all day before he arrives, we need to get some photos done of you first!" Leona shouted banging on the door to my dressing room from the other side. Me: Yeah I won't be long promise, just getting changed!. God do people not realise the amount of time and effort it takes to look like god has literally dropped an actual real life angel onto this earth. In reality I had my flaws and insecurities like every other person on the planet that needed to be hidden underneath my natural makeup.

Today was the day I would meet THE Harry styles from one direction. We were both approached by Calvin Klein sometime ago to do a joint photo shoot for a new underwear/boxers line. I'm not a massive fan of one direction but definitely not a hater. I could probably count on one hand the songs they sang that I knew of. I  remember watching them on X factor a while ago  with my best friend Stacey but at that time Harry didn't interest me at all,  yes, he was cute and all but I personally just didn't see the big wow? . Niall on the other hand  was the one I had my eye on. That hair, charm, body and off course the Irish accent. I loved it! At first I was rather hesitant to do this photo shoot considering we are both the exact same age and could potentially be really dam awkward.  My assistant Leona helped me to understand this could potentially lead to other things like acting, presenting or more modelling projects. I wanted to show everyone that  I'm not just made for the runway. I've been modelling since I was 3 years old starting in catalogues for children's toys, clothes and products, doing some other bits and bobs here and there, and now I am getting ready for a major designer photo shoot. Felt so surreal to me. My mum started me young back in Scotland as I wasn't a very confident individual and she thought that modelling would bring me out my shell. I moved here to LA not too long ago to pursue bigger and better things. Scotland was my home but there were not  many major opportunities. It wasn't until I turned 18 I was approached by a talent scout when I was out with my friends at the beach one day who was very keen to train and guide me to become a Vitoria secret angel. It was a dream come true and took a while for me to let it sink in. Don't get me wrong becoming an angel was not a walk in the park. It was tough. Strict exercise regimes, strict diet and there was always pressure from the media to always look on top form. My stylist Taylor finished back combing my long Volumious waves and applying the last glide of my red gloss on my lips. Before I left the room I thanked Taylor with a warm hug and gave my lips a pout in the mirror and playfully ruffled my fingers through my hair. If you look good you feel good, I lived by that motto throughout my life. Last thing I had to do was change. I ran over to my pink glitzy closet to collect my Calvin Klein lingerie set. There it was hung up on a white satin coat hanger, a black lace strapless balcony bra and a black  lace thong and off course the Calvin Klein printed words on the elastic of the bra and pants. It was  a classy lingerie set but oh my god I felt completely out of my comfort zone. Yes, I was used to strutting down the runway half naked but this felt so much different as I was all by myself and didn't have my girls along side me therefore the pressure was on. I took a deep breath, changed and slipped on my black heels.

Here goes....

Marcel (director): Vanessa darling let's get started, my gosh you  look seeexyy!! Me: Thanks, I feel a bit weird dressed like this" quietly talking to marcel. Marcel: Don't be gurl, you will smash this. Marcel had me pose in many different ways standing up strong with my hands on my hips and one leg slightly further out than the other, hands in my hair while giving those flirtatious, fuck me eyes as they were known and another  few poses later and Marcel shouted for the crew to bring the bed in. Me: What?! A bed?!" I was slightly taken back. Marcel: "Course, sweetie we need some sexual shots also as well as power". He snapped into a Beyoncé pose with his chest puffed out and hands on his hips.  I crawled slowly onto the bed lying on my stomach with my legs crossed in the air behind me and one of my hands through my hair again giving those eyes. Secondly I moved onto my back looking at the camera to one side with my legs bent placed firmly on the bed and my hands touching my sides. It took me a while to fully relax but eventually I got the swing of things. The backstage crew were amazing with me, whistling at me and shouting the most body confident things. It was always a little confidence boost that I was looking good. There I was changing my poses as they popped into my head, finishing with me on all floors leaning on my hands with my hair swept the complete other direction to my parting with those eyes and the door to the studio swung  open. In walked Harry  styles with Niall Horan and their security guard. I felt a lump in my throat and butterflies in my stomach when they walked in. I knew they would be here, but to actually be in the same room was a weird feeling. My heart rate picked up. Niall bloody horan who I crushed on since X factor had walked in. Two, Harry looked so sexy in his black cuffed t-shirt, black skinny jeans with his tattoos on. Definitely a lot different to the days of X factor when he was 16.Marcel: Last pose!! go for it!!!" shouted Marcel. I decided for my last pose to lie on my stomach and bring my finger up to my mouth and bite teasingly and cross my legs behind me. Marcel: That's it!!! That's the one!! Get it girl!! Marcel shouted.  The crew got louder when I moved to this pose with there Wolf whistles and cheering which attracted Harry and Niall's attention. I couldn't help but notice Harry scanning my body up and down and biting his bottom lip. Niall on the other hand was more than vocal. Niall:  "oh Jesus, I would" shouted Niall in that adorable Irish accent. Not with a care in the world that everyone on set including myself heard him.

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