Night out on the town

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When we left the venue Harry had already made arrangements for his security guards to pick us up from the back of the venue. I'm assuming this was to avoid press at the front. Was he embarrassed by me? Does he not want to show he is with me? I mean yes, I want to avoid them like the plague but I can't help thinking like this. I may seem like a confident girl on the outside when actually I'm really insecure and have bad anxiety. We both hoped into the black van and headed for the club. Harry: I'm so looking forward to a drink tonight. Me: me too, can't remember the last night out I went on, I've never really had much time after work to be honest. Harry: well we must make it a night to remember Harry smirked at me. Me: styles! Might I remind you I am a lady and I don't kiss on the first date I winked at him playfully. Harry: hmm we will see after you've got some drinks down you. Within 10 minutes we arrived at the club. The queue was massive, it was Saturday night after all. The doors to the van slid open and me and Harry jumped out. He brushed against my hand with the slightest touch encouraging me to take his hand. There was those butterflies again. Off course being with THE Harry styles meant that queuing up was not an option. We didn't even need to say anything to the bouncers at the front door and they let us in. I can't help but feel slightly guilty that others have been waiting a lot longer than we have and yet we can just walk in like there was no line. Advantage to being famous I guess.

The music was blaring I could feel the bass right though my body and the place was already packed. Niall: Harry, over here! Niall was waving his hands to signal us. Somehow Harry managed to hear Niall shouting his name from the VIP booth. We made our way over to where Niall was standing. The security that stood at the vip part of the club unclipped the black rope  to allow me and Harry to join the others. It was so cute that he never let go of my hand until we were in the safety of the vip area. Liam: I'm Liam, how you doing? Me: Lovely to meet you, I'm Vanessa. I basically had to shout over the music as it was so loud. Louis: alright love, I'm Louis, nice to meet you. Harry's not shut up about you today, our group chat has been buzzing. Harry playfully nudged Louis I'm assuming out of embarrassment. Me: aw has he now I turned to face Harry flicking my hair gently behind my back. Liam: I actually have your poster in my room on the bus, so weird you're like here!!  What was I supposed to say, I always got really embarrassed when people told me about having my pictures on their bedroom walls or wallpapers on their phone, I've been in the business a while now but it never feels real, it was still a lovely thought.

Harry interrupted before I could  reply. Harry: what do you want to drink? Me: I'll just have a cola thanks I smiled. All the boys laughed at me including Harry, me: what? I'm not drinking I shook my head.  I cannot handle hangovers. Harry: you're definitely drinking Vanessa Blair. Niall: I've ordered shots. The boys all cheered saying 'shots, shots, shots' while fist pumping. Before I knew it 2 massive trays of shots were laid out on the table in front of us.  God help me. Nialll: here goes, everyone take one, to a good night! Niall toasted. Harry: and what happens in LA stays in LA. The boys all laughed and there was me not 100% sure what that meant. Does he mean if the other boys hook up or something? We all clinked our shots together. I instantly felt the burn that reminded me on why I don't do shots and  let out a small gag. The other boys didn't seem fazed at all, they just kept drinking the others. I would say they all took 5 vodka shots each and then moved to the second tray of tequila. Me: bleh!! I cannot handle shots, they give me the fear. I did not want to continue with the shots and would quite happily sit and drink cola all night but I didn't want the guys to think I was some bore when really once I got started on the drink I was a fun time. I'm 18, I need to live a little!!

The drinks were flowing and more shots were being brought to the table. I spent most my night talking to Harry about his childhood, X factor and then he asked all about me. The drink helped to break the ice between us. Before I knew it I was struggling to keep my balance and felt my head spinning. Niall had ko'd on the couch in vip, Liam was talking to some other celebrity and Louis had met up with his other friends. It was just me and Harry, alone. Harry: want to go dance? Me: YES !!!!! Harry was drunk also, not to the extent of me though. I'm such a lightweight it's not even funny.

Harry had to steady me from falling over by holding onto my hips from behind. My eyes had started to fuzz up trying hard to locate the dance floor. We spent most of the rest of the night dancing together. One thing about me being drunk was I had a confidence that I could literally do anything. Blurred lines was playing when we first got there (absolute tune), then it was some Nicki minaj (starships), Bruno Mars (up town funk), Whitney Houston (I wanna dance with somebody) and then dirty by Christina aguilera came on. I could not refrain from doing some sexy moves and grinding, If I had been with the girls they would know what I was talking about. Harry was a bit taken back to my moves but I honestly could not control it. I done some slut drops, opening my legs before going down to the ground, moved my hips, swung my hair and circled my hips, Teasingly lifting my hair slightly. I seemed to forget I was with Harry. Aw shit! Now I look like a whore. I looked to Harry expecting him to run away from me but he didn't he just stood and watched me, he licked his bottom lip and  leaned in to whisper to me. Harry; I'm having so much fun with you, you're so hot, holding his hands on my waist. He looked at my lips and I looked at his, it was a matter of time before it happened. I just didn't want to make the first move, it's like we paused. We both slowly leaned in and he placed 2 rough pecks on my lips. I wanted more. I kissed him back. His grip on my waist got tighter as he pulled me closer to him. I placed my hands around his neck. The kiss then deepened and he licked my bottom lip for me to allow his tongue access. He felt so good, smelt amazing and he made me feel it was just us in the club. We continued to make out for about 3 minutes switching our heads to the other sides. Me: do you want to get out of here? I pulled away from him. Harry nodded yes and I took his hand and we headed for the exit to the club, Harry's security team were already outside waiting on us. I shielded my eyes from any paps that were waiting outside and jumped into the van with Harry in close proximity behind me. I wasn't embarrassed to be with him, who would be?! But I was not in my tip top condition I was before I went into the club. I ran my fingers through my hair and topped up my lip gloss, trying to focus in my compact mirror while the van sped off.

Harry: what gloss is that? He came out with sheepishly, me: ehh I'm no actually sure,probably benefit I said while trying to focus and read the writing on the gloss: Harry: can I have some please? Harry sniggered. Me: yes darling, here you go. I handed him the gloss. I should of known what he was doing at this point. Harry smacked his lips onto mine, smiling into the kiss. The kiss deepened and he placed his hand on my knee. I felt quite awkward for the security team driving the van at this point, I'm sure he's done this before with another girl. What was I doing? I'm on my way to his hotel to stay the night, it was rather obvious where this was going to lead,. I am never this type of girl, I've never had a one night stand. Meh there's a first for everything I guess. Me: maybe I should just go home to my own bed I stopped Harry from kissing me and lightly pushed him away. Harry: if you want but I want you to stay with me and we can get to know each other better, he winked. Me: smooth styles smooth I playfully said to him. Ok we will get to know each other better, no harm in that right I said with my thumbs up. What the heck did I just do, I look like a mad woman. Harry chuckled and held the back of my head with one hand crushing his lips against mine once again.

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