Welcome to Aspen Grove

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Hello! Thanks for showing an interest in my story! Not sure how many others write books based off their ARPG characters, but I'll give a quick run down as to how the story is written and how the ARPG I'm a part of affects the story.

Stars, the Warriors ARPG run on ChickenSmoothie, is what Aspen Grove is a part of and allows me to have the freedom to create my clan in my own way. As a result, I chose my clan to pursue different traditions and systems that change the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Story wise, Aspen Grove follows a young feline named Asiya who wants a different type of clan than one would typically see under StarClan's sky. This isn't to say there aren't any clans who follow the traditional way to run a clan, but Aspen Grove will be quite different.

The ARPG rewards its members through explorations. Clan owners will write about their clan in some manner and will be rewarded through experience and a staff member will write what happened while those cats explored (if one got injured, if they hunted successfully, or if they found a new cat or special item). I don't intend to keep this responses in my story, though I will include elements of what happens in them in my chapters.

Speaking of chapters, they may be a bit short due to the fact I'm writing explore prompts and not chapters, per say. Uploads may not be in a routine schedule due to the fact that my story only gets updated after I receive a response from a staff member. That's pretty much it, in terms of what this book essentially is. I'll provide a bit of lore on the clan and the territory they live on in another book since I don't want to clog this one up with lore bits. I'll try to keep the lore book spoiler free.

Also, here's a link to the ARPG, Stars, if anyone's interested:


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