The court yard- George Weasley Smut

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You and George are sitting in the court yard under a tree. It's a sunny day and classes are over so everyone is there enjoying the sun and the cool breeze blowing through the trees making your hair flow ever so slightly.

You feel George's hand travel to your thigh squeezing it gently, you look over at him and see a stupidly adorable smile plastered onto his face. George grabs both of your thighs and flips you so you're straddled on top of him.

"George" you say in a harsh tone "we're in public"

George laughs and points to the water fountain "Our team lost yesterday so Oliver is as usual trying to drown himself"

You look over at the fountain everyone is crowded around watching Oliver attempt to yet again drown himself after losing a game.

"No one even helps him anymore" you giggle

George laughs "yeah they just watch, i don't even think he knows how to drown himself...he just kinda...stands there"

You both laugh the movement of your body on George makes him excited. You feel him harden under you, you move your hips a little teasing him.


You place a finger on his lips shushing him. You start to move your hips more, he starts to buck his. You let out a small moan only loud enough for him to hear.

"We should go up to my dorm" he says

You shake your head no. "I like the danger of doing it out here"

His eyes widen as a smirk travels onto his face, he grabs your hips digging his rings into your skin. The feeling of his cold rings make you shiver.

You bend down to his ear "God I want you so bad"

With that you see him unbutton and unzip his pants, he pulls down his boxers only a little so his 11 inches can come out. It shoots up, your eyes widen as his hand travels to your panties moving them to the side under your skirt.

"No one will know" he winks (knowing full well Fred will notice immediately)

You move up a little positioning yourself over him aligning him with your entrance. He lays his head against the tree as you slowly go down his length stoping a few times to get re adjusted. (Even though you two fuck quite often it takes you awhile to get used to his length). He lets out quiet breathy moans, his hand around you neck so you can't scream.

By now most people have gone in for lunch or to quidditch practice (mostly to get Oliver away from the fountain) the only kids left at the court yard are a few people making out at the other end. George let's his grip loosen on your neck so he can hear your moans. He loves the sounds you make for him and only him.

"Princess" he says sweetly "moan in my ear"

You do as he says, you bend down a little and moan into his ear biting it a few times and kissing his neck. His hands travel to your breasts squeezing them harshly as he gets closer.

"Don't cum yet baby...i-i fuck-mmm I'm not there yet" You moan into his ear.

He nods and tries his best to hold it in. You continue to kiss his neck lightly, he grabs your jaw harshly and kisses you roughly. His tongue deep in your mouth dominating yours. You bounce on him harder his hips thrusting deep into you.

"oh George"

"Moan my name baby mmmm you feel amazing"

He groans into your mouth as you moan into his. Your tongues in each other's mouths his hands on your breasts your hands in his hair pulling on it slightly. It's been almost 30 minutes since everyone left and you two start to hear people come back outside from lunch. You hear Fred come up behind you (he was the first one outside no one else was out yet).

"You better hurry up brother" he says watching you two.

"Fuck off Fred" you two say in unison

Before Fred walks off you scream.

"Fuck George i-i'm- mmmm"

Fred leans against the tree and watches as you throw your head back and his twin starts breathily heavily. The two of you cum at the same time over stimulating each other your body shakes and he lets out a few deep growling moans. Fred claps as he walks away laughing to himself.

"I bet you he's going to your room" you laugh

"I don't blame him you're hot when you cum princess" George says watching his twin walk away to their room just like you said.

You get off of George and he quickly sips his pants up and leans against the tree just like how you two were before. You adjust your skirt and lean against his shoulder.

"We should probably go take a shower" You whisper to him.

"Yeah we're a mess aren't we" he laughs looking you up and down.

"round two?" you ask tilting your head slightly

"I thought you'd never ask" he smiles holding his hand out for you to take as he stands up.

He grab his hand trying not to fall over.

"Maybe i'll carry you" he says

You nod as he picks you up and carry's your to his room. He opens the door and sees Fred on his bed. You roll your eyes at him.

"Sorry y/n but you're really hot" he says smirking "If you weren't with George i'd have you for myself"

George gives him a deadly glare as he carry's you to the bathroom and closes the door.

"Ready for round two?"

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