Chapter 4.

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I was enjoying the blissful music coming through the radio speakers, and thankfully there was still decent stations to tune into besides the overplayed, mainstream type of music. It was just me and my mom, while my mum had made bacon, sausage, and scrambled eggs for herself and I helped myself to as much bacon as I pleased, without upsetting my mum by getting what she'd say is "too much", as well as an additional bowl of Frosted Cherrios.

It was nearing noon on another bright summer day of June, and it's been exactly a week since my classes at Uni ended for the year. My sister wasn't even up yet, which was quite odd of her. Finally, I heard her familiar footsteps come down the stairs, seeming to be slower than usual. The footsteps soon approached the kitchen, only for me to find Gemma standing in the doorway of the kitchen, rubbing her still drowsy eyes, and sniffling through her slightly red nose, most likely due to a cold.

"Gemma, you look- " I begun with disgust in my tone, but I was cut off by her famous deadly glare.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." My older sister threatened while she sluggishly made her way to her seat in front of me, constantly sneezing and coughing. She was in the middle of pouring her milk in her cereal before she even poured the actual cereal. Gemma sleepily scooped up a spoonful of milk and devoured it, only to realize a second later her mistake. She stared at her now empty spoon, groaned in frustration and laid her head down on the table.

"Yep, you're definitely ill." I nodded, confirming for myself, continuing to serve my own cereal, the right way.

"Gem, go rest on the couch. I'll make some chicken noodle soup for you." My mom looked up from the newspaper she was currently reading, and calmly rises from her chair beside me, leading my sister toward the living room. For once, I actually felt some sort of sympathy for Gemma.

Soon enough, I devoured all of my bowl Frosted Cherrios, and the taste of the sweet tasting milk lingered on my taste buds. I decided to wash the bowl and spoon like the good little boy - er, I mean the man I am, considering I'm nineteen years old - while my mother took care of my older sibling in her ill state.

"Oh my, we only have one can left." I glanced at my mum who looked sadly at the open cabinet. She grabbed the only can of soup and a medium sized cooking pot, turning on the stove, and grabbed a can opener. "Harry, would you be a dear and go to the grocery store to buy some more? I've been meaning to go sooner and later, and at the moment I don't think have time to do it myself." She easily popped open the can lid, and looked at me once more with a hopeful expression.

I sighed heavily as I turned off the faucet, and dried my hands with the nearest hand towel. "I got nothing else better to do, so might as well."

"Don't forget the list." She went toward the fridge and peeled off the first page of the small blue sticky notepad that stuck there and handed it to me.

I nodded, and she grinned as I made my way out of the kitchen to find my favorite pair of converse by the front door, as well as my car keys on one of the hooks on the wall.

"You're going out like that?" My mum questioned me from a distance, popping her head through the doorway. I glanced down at my attire: gray sweats and a plain white t-shirt. I don't really mind it. I give her a shrug and she just rolled her eyes. "Just don't forget your jacket okay?"

"You got it mum." I replied, forcing myself to sound enthusiastic as I could while I took my old purple Jack Willis jumper, faded over the past years since I first bought it when I was sixteen, off the coat rack, also remembering I had kept my money last in its pockets, pulling it over my head and headed out the door.

~ ~

With shopping basket in hand, swinging it slightly back and forth, I searched for our necessities besides chicken noodle soup. I strolled down each isle, taking my time. I found myself in the baking isle, with all the cooking utensils and spices I've grown familiar with. I don't mean to brag but I'm quite the baker, not just because I work at a bakery.

Hm, it's been awhile since I made something sweet, maybe I could buy some type of mix perhaps. As I walked nearer to the cake / brownie section, I saw a man, who was shorter than me, that's for sure. I couldn't see his face since he was looking to his left, glancing at the muffin mixes. I kept some distance between us although he was right in front of the cake mixes. I took notice of him humming to the store's music, and tapping his foot to the rhythm. Black vans, no socks, rolled up pants? That's an interesting combo... and strangely familiar.

I just chuckled silently to myself as I watched him get lost in his own world, bobbing his head side to side to the tune. He turned his attention toward me, and when I met his eyes, I almost had a heart attack.

"Harry?" Louis smiled, seeming surprised and happy to see me.

"Louis?" I replied speechless, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, it's Mr. Bakery Boy himself." I watched his lips turn into a smirk, and as his hand places on his hip. I bit my lip at his new clever nickname for me. "What are the odds of us meeting here?"

"I-I guess it's a small world?" I suggested, stammering a bit, having a nervous feeling build within me.

"Seems about right." He chuckled, licking his thin, light pink lips. "So Gemma's not feeling too well, yeah?"

I nodded, and he gave me a sad smile in return. "Which is the reason why I had to be here, to get some noodle soup and other necessities for our mum."

"Aren't you responsible?" Louis inquired, arching an eyebrow, seeming impressed. "You sure your family doesn't take advantage of you, considering you're the youngest?" He took a step to the left, glancing back at the variety of brownie mixes.

I scoffed at him, following his move. "Psh, I hope not."

"Whatever you say." He grinned back at me sarcastically, and his eyes scanned the shelf again.

"What are you even doing here, Louis?"

"I'm glad you asked. I was going to make something for your sister since she's sick."

"Like a get-well cake?"


"Well, you wouldn't be helping her get better, you're just setting herself up for diabetes."

"What do you know?" Louis rolled his eyes.

"Unlike you, I know how to bake." I smirk, knowing his weakness. "My sister mentioned how you're not the best cook on this planet."

"Yeah I admit it. I can't even boil water right." Louis began rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Maybe you could help me out then?"

"I... um..." I was drawn aback by his suggestion, I didn't know what to say. By asking to help him bake, we're going to spend the day at his place; my sister's boyfriend's flat. Just me and him. That would be a bit on the awkward side.

"It's alright if you don't want to waste your afternoon helping a 21 year old that doesn't know how to bake correctly." He piped in before I could finish, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal.

"No, no, that's not it at all. I'd be happy to spend the day with you," I watched as Louis' while face noticeably lit up as I said that. "B-bake a cake for my sister that is." I awkwardly chuckled, unaware if he caught what I said first.


"And let's ditch the cake mix and make a cake my way." I boast, striding over to pick out a bag of cake flour.

"Hey, you're the boss today." Louis says and we share a smile. "I'll finish getting whatever I need, and you finish getting yours, and we'll meet outside the entrance of the store, okay?"

"Alright, sounds like a plan." I nodded, trying not to appear too excited.

Louis nodded back, with a smile that brought those tiny wrinkles by his eyes, and walked past me, brushing his shoulder against mine, continuing with his shopping.

"Let's stop by my place though before we go to yours!" I call to him, and he gives me a thumbs up.

"I'll meet you there then!"

He disappeared around the corner of the aisle, and I sighed in relief, my own smile I can't seem to wipe away. This should be an interesting start to my summer.


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