Chapter five : my daughter is Alive

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*Matt Sanchez (Raven and boys' father) POV*

 Being the owner of a multi-millionaire company is a lot of work. Add a chain of hotels and clubs to that mix and you got one big and expensive dish.

My sons have learned how to fight and use guns.

Janet never knew about the Mafia.

My family and I never trusted her with this.

Janet had so many problems with herself and her family.

The only really good thing I got from her were my kids.

My princess and my one and only princess.

She was my light.

She was the fire that kept us warm the cold.

That bitch Janet took her from us. She took away the one thing that made us all melt.

*Flashback to 13 years ago when Raven was kidnapped and missing this day*

 I was arguing with my ex wife Janet because she had cheated on me. What the hell is wrong with her?!

I gave her so much. Money, food, a home and kids.

She goes shopping whenever she wants. I give her my love and everything.

Then why the hell did she cheat?

What the hell is wrong with her at this point?

Why the fuck did i ever fall for her? The only good thing I got out of her was my kids.

Other than that she really is not worth it.

She really took my card without my permission and used it at the club with her friends. She could have asked me. I would have given it to her.Yet she takes my shit and then cheats on me.

For Fucks sake...I need a drink

"Boys, lets go" I shouted. I heard them running down the stairs. I took the boys to my Warehouse and told my maid and guard to watch over Janet and the twins.(Roman and Raven)

Later My phone starts to ring

Hello ?" I said picking up the phone

"Don, your wife and daughter are missing ! we can't find them but i found a maid and guard on the floor and your wife hit them." says guard 1

"What!" i shouted and i end the call

Boys! We going to back to mansion now" i said at boys

Boys looked confused and worried.

I and boys running toward at the car and on way to home

Arrive to home and running to inside the mansion

I saw roman crying and running at me

I hugged him and i ask guard

"Tell me what happened" i said with a tone of anger

"I went to look because something looked suspicious. Your wife Janet packed her bag and raven's as well.

janet rushed and picked Raven up and left.

She only left behind this letter" says guard 2

I took the letter, opened it and read the letter

  Dear Matthew

I'm writing this to you out of love

i am sick of you having a secret and hiding it from me.

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