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Adrien's pov

It was strange, the feeling bubbling up inside of me. I stared at Luka darkly as he twirled Marinette around in the winter air. The feeling almost consumed me until I heard her laugh. And it was so beautiful. No fairy laugh could compare. It was the sound that made me feel so happy that any negative feelings I had towards Luka dissipated. He could make Marinette happy. So happy.

In fact, I was just calming down when Luka began to lean in and i lost my cool. I was on fire, burning, my heat warming the evening with jealousy. I stood up and walked in-between the two, glaring at Luka. He was allowed to make her happy but kissing her? That was too far.

"Hey Luka, how you doing?" He turned to look at me, a scowl on his face.

"I'm doing fine Adrien, now do you mind?" Luka snarled at me, holding Marinette closer to him. She let out a little squeak of surprise as he did.

"I do actually-"

"Hey dude! How was Canada? So cool that you went there dude!" Nino came over and doing some kind of handshake with Luka and missing the obvious tension in the air.

Luka was shaken out of his seething and I watched as he smiled. It was relaxed and friendly.

"Yeah it was great but, really other than the excitement of being in another country, I wasn't learning anything that I couldn't learn here for less money. That's why I came back. Plus there are other benefits to being in Paris." As Luka talked he squeezed Marinette's shoulder gently and she lifted her head to look at him with a small smile. Happy.

Nino and Luka continued talking about lots of things or really, just about Nino's playlist. Juleka wondered off with a phone to her ear and Marinette stayed next to Luka, listening to his words. I was still glaring at Luka when I felt someone tug me away.

Alya dragged me back to the bench we had been sat at before Luka arrived and looked at me knowingly as she lounged.

"What was that about Agreste?" She said with a smirk.

"What are you talking about Alya?"

"Oh please, anyone could see you seething hatred. An interrupting the cute moment as Luka returned and he went to kiss Marinette? Really? You are screaming jealous Agreste and I want to know when it started and how it started. Spill."

I looked at Alya and she raised her eye brows. I sighed.

"When I started dating Kagami i- I realised my feelings."

"Why did you date Kagami in the first place?"

"My father made me. Said it would be good for the family name. But the thing is Alya, I couldn't sleep when she was missing and I finally got her back and now she's gone again, stolen again."

"Agreste, I think this jealousy of yours is cute but Marinette isn't yours. The sooner you realise that the better. You know, you haven't expressed your feelings so she has every right to want to kiss Luka."

"But Alya, what if she loves Luka and not me?"

"Adrien, you are oblivious. If she loves Luka not you, deal with it. She had to. Keep being yourself though Agreste. And show her you want to date her. No more of this stupid 'just a friend' thing. It's ridiculous. You love her. Always have." Alya got up, brushed down her coat, and walked over to Luka, Marinette and Nino.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Maybe I didn't deserve her. I thought as I watched as she smiled at him. She just, looked so happy with Luka. I got up from the bench and walked away, hoping no one could see the tears in my eyes.

Marinette's pov

Adrien had been acting weird ever since Luka got back and I didn't understand why. I watched now as he walked off, an upset look on his face. He didn't say good bye. I wanted to run after him, to comfort him like I did this morning but something kept me tethered to the spot.

Despite Adrien's strange mood, I hadn't stopped smiling. Luka was back. He looked down at me and smiled again and I smiled back, my face beginning to hurt but I didn't mind.

"Marinette, would you mind if we went on a short walk? I can walk you back to the bakery after if you want?" Luka asked me.

"Sure, I don't mind. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

We said our goodbyes to Alya and Nino and began walking. I didn't know where we were going but I was happy to be in the moment with Luka. Not caring about any destination.

"Hey Marinette?"


"What are we? Because I don't know about but when I look at you I feel something deep inside me that not even the most stirring song could touch. You play the strings of my heart like I play the guitar and I want to listen to you on repeat everyday. But, " Luka looked down, "I don't want to hurt you. And I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. And I understand if you perhaps don't love me as much as I love you. If perhaps there is someone else. But Marinette, your song has been stuck in my head from the day we met. And my heart wants to harmonise with yours."

I looked at him. The sun was setting as it did so early on these November nights and the last dying rays shone above his head like a halo. He wouldn't meet my eye. His head was hung in a way that made only the bottom half of his face visible.

"Luka i-"

What to say? To give up on Adrien completely seemed absurd but he loved someone else now. Someone who wasn't Kagami but someone probably as perfect as her. I looked at Luka again. In doing so my mind wondered to another boy, one who had also found someone new to love and even though before I didn't reciprocate his feelings it still stung.

"I honestly don't know what we are. But what I do know is that being around you is like being in heaven. You words are beautiful and your soul is kind. I missed you so much that it tore me apart. But, I don't want to rush into things. I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially not you." I reached up and held his face, a movement which made him look at me shocked before his face broke out into a smile.

"I can do slow. I can wait. I would wait lifetimes for you Marinette."

And that's when he kissed me. It was soft and gentle, barely more than a peck but I felt the meaning he put behind it. I felt his hands holding my face, mimicking the position we had just been in as he smiled into the kiss, his lips curving against mine. It was so perfect.

He pulled away and in the gloaming I watched as a light blush dusted his cheeks.

"Come on, you will get cold if we stay out here any longer."

We walked back in a comfortable silence. I don't know when but at some point my hand had found his and was now refusing to let go.

"Don't leave me again Luka, please." I said as we came to the door of the bakery. I don't know where it had come from but I meant this words. I couldn't deal with this again. Him leaving.

"I won't Marinette. I will always be here for you. It's late, I'll see you tomorrow. Why don't you come round after school? Walk home with Juleka and we can hang out?"

"Okay." And as I breathed out my breath hung in the air in a cloud of white vapour, a break between the two of us.

"Good night Marinette and sweet dreams." He kissed my forehead and I felt my face heat up as he did.

He pulled away and turned to leave before smiling.

"Too cute."

His footsteps echoed as he walked away and I was left, stood there, speechless as the night closed in around me.

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