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Marinette's pov

I spent the rest of the day with Alya. We walked miles through Paris to different destinations. We went to arcades where I crushed her in table football and won a stuffed toy from the claw machine. Because she bought coffee, I bought lunch and we ate it inside a warm sandwich shop, watching the snow swarm in puddles and talking about everything under the sun.

In the afternoon, we went around shopping here and there - mostly charity shops. I bought a couple large oversized shirts after Alya insisted it. She, in turn, bought a blazer like jacket and a new belt.

When the sun finally began to set, casting a blue-grey glow across Paris, we parted ways. Whilst she walked an icy path back to her house, I meandered towards the bakery, taking my time. I felt kind of stupid for buying Chat the locket now, after all, he might not even like jewelry. What if he hates it? I shook my head and tried to dispell the thought. I doubt Chat would hate anything I gave to him.

Unlocking the door, I stepped inside, closing it lightly behind me. The wet snow stuck to my shoes and tracked across the polished floor and I made a mental reminder to wipe it up later. My face was frozen stiff from the cold and I shivered. For the first time in a while the bakery was quiet.

Fiddling slightly with the switch, I turned the lights on and a warm glow spread across the room. I felt happy after today. I trudged upstairs, the air growing colder as I did, until I found myself stood in the centre of my room, contemplating.

Chat Noir. What was I to do about that cat. I moved to the other side of the room and dropped the locket down next to my dairy and shut the box.

"Hey Tikki?"

"Yes Marinette?"

"Doing this. Do you think Chat Blanc could happen again?"

It was one of the many things holding me back. It would be so much more simple if Chat still liked Ladybug.

"Possibly, but it's worth the risk!"

"Is it really though? I still get nightmares about him." I flopped down onto the chaise and sighed.

"You're sighing again."

"Sorry Tikki."

"All we know marinette, is chat finding out your identity caused chat blanc for some reason. If he doesn't find out you are ladybug, then nothing will happen."

"But that just feels so cruel." I fiddled aimlessly with the buttons on my jacket.

"Just follow your heart marinette- if bunnix doesn't show up to stop you then you must be doing something right."

It was sound logic of course. And it was just what I needed.

"What should I do? How do I tell him? Should I bake him something, I feel like I should bake him something. He likes croissants. And maybe shortbread? Or I could make him some gingerbread to go with the soon to be festive feels or-"

"Chill Marinette, you won't have time."

"Why won't I have ti-"

At that moment Tikki ducked into a drawer and chat noir dropped into my room with absolutely no warning. I squeaked in surprise and attempted to hide my flustered face.

"Hi princess!" He basically shouted from his perch on my bed as he jumped off and wondered to my desk.

"Have you heard of this new thing, it's called 'knocking'. Like seriously, you almost gave me a heart attack." I frowned as he pawed his way through one of my drawers to get the game we had played the other day out.

"Sorry princess, I was so excited to see you." He replied with a wink and I rolled my eyes and turned around before he could see how red my face had gotten.

"Smitten." A tiny voice said next to me ear.

"I am not." I furiously whispered back as Tikki giggled and went to hide again.

"So are you ready to play-" Chat turned to look at me but suddenly stopped talking, eyes fixed to something behind me. "What's that?"

"What's what?" I asked, turning to look behind me.

"MARINETTE MOVE!" Chat dove towards me as I felt something latch onto my waste from behind and the sound of smashing glass.

"Chat?!' I panicked as I was lifted off of the floor.

"MARI!" I tried to grab his hand as I felt myself get pulled backwards and I cried out as whatever was around my waste tightened.

My body was pulled backwards through the window, my head smacking against the frame. My mind reeled as to what was happening. An akumatisation. It had to be an akumatisation.

I reached my hand down to touch the thing gripping my waste. It was tight and it was starting to get hard to breathe. I tried to turn around to see what was behind me but the night was dark and I could barely see a few feet in front of me. It was only then I realised most of the lights on Paris were out. A power cut?

The worst thing was I couldn't transform here. If I did, hawkmoth would immediately know my identity. And my head was pounding from being whacked against the window frame. I attempted to squirm out of whatever was holding me in its grip but it was to no avail.

After what felt like hours but must only have been around ten seconds I was roughly thrown to the floor. Above me stood something that I couldn't quite recognise.

"You, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are one annoying but very important girl." The thing spoke as it looked down at me. "Through you, I can get to Chat Noir. And through Chat Noir, I can get to Ladybug."

I shuffled backwards along the floor until my back hit something cool and I turned to see one of the legs of the Eiffel tower behind me. At least I knew where I was.

"Who are you?!" I shouted, though the night was silent.

"A diligent follower to say. And you having Chat Noir wrapped around your finger is just great for me. I get to crush you and get what Hawkmoth needs easily. Two birds with one stone!" The thing said with a laugh as a face materialised from the gloom.

It was gruesome to say the least, a girl's face distorted by a thick, black, tar like substance which dripped steadily to the floor. What must have been her mouth opened as a maniacal laugh was projected around the space. I swallowed harshly.

An arm swarmed from the mass in front of me and secured me against the metal frame behind me.

"I want to help you, you don't have to do this. You can fight Hawkmoth's power!" I cried out as I struggled against the things outstretched arm.

"Fight against Hawkmoth? Are you stupid? Don't you get it Marinette? I work for Hawkmoth. I've been waiting to do this for ages now. And you, every step I take you have been clasped to my ankle dragging me back. Good little Marinette who has never lied once in her entire life. Good little Marinette who reminds me so much of Ladybug that I'm not surprised Chat Noir is now obsessed with you. Have you missed me Marinette? We haven't seen each other in a while. I've missed tormenting you. And now? Now I have the power and the resolve to kill you once I have Chat Noir' and Ladybug's miraculouses. I am a diligent follower. A disciple of the man named Hawkmoth. And you Marinette are just an annoying bug I need to squash." The pressure on my chest increased as the thing in front of me smiled wickedly, "so ask me again Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Ask me who I am."

"Who- who are you?" I coughed out between shallow breaths.

"I'm gladious. The weapon which Hawkmoth is using to end you," lightning struck from the clouded sky and lit up the thing's face, "but, you know me as Lila Rossi."

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