chapter sixteen

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a/n: super super short chapter just as a transition sorry

     Aaron had me pushed up against the wall of our hotel room, my back hitting the drywall, with his hands supporting me from under my thighs. My lips were burning with his contact, feverishly kissing him, needing more. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat as warmth was blossoming in my chest. I could smell him, the scent of his shampoo was practically dizzying, I could feel myself getting lightheaded, not wishing to come up for air. His breath was tickling the space right between my lips and my nose, his lips tasted like the coffee that we all consumed religiously. I tangled my hand in his hair, yanking lightly, causing him to break contact, the both of us gasping for air.

     Like a switch had been turned on, I suddenly realized what I was doing and dropped out of his grasp, backing away with wide eyes, my hand clamped over my mouth.

     "Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck fucking fuck-"


     "No!" I gasped, cowering against the corner of our hotel room. "No," I whispered in a smaller voice. "I'll- er- bloody fuck. I'm- gonna go-" I left him no chance to speak, before running to Emily and JJ's room, knocking aggressively.

      "What the- Prim?" Emily asked with a voice riddled with sleep. I suppose at some point, tears of frustration had started to slip out of my eyes, causing Emily to look at me with concern. "Oh, shit. Come in," She said, opening the door. JJ was sitting on her bed, having just switched on a lamp. 

     "Florence? What- oh no, what happened?" Emily and I both sat on the same bed, the two women looking at me like I was crazy.

     "I, um-" I paused, burying my face in my hands. Not looking at them, "Imadeoutwithhotch," I said quickly and quietly without breathing.


     "I made out with Hotch!" I groaned in exasperation, flopping onto my back. After a moment of silence, I propped myself up against the headboard, banging my head against the wall.

      "You WHAT!" JJ screamed.

      "JJ, shut up! Everyone in the hotel will hear you!"

     "Sorry. You what?" JJ whisper-screamed. I groaned and beat my palm into my forehead.

     "I know. It was a momentary lapse in judgement," I looked at them with a pained expression, and suddenly the three of us all burst into laughter. "Can I sleep here tonight?"

     "Of course you can, but we're going to need a bit more information," Emily demanded.

     So I gave it to them. I told them about the strange almost-flirting and when he had profiled me, the hug, the way he looked at me. Then I told them about the kiss, and how it felt like my body was on fire, how he tasted like coffee, how I forgot my fucking name when he touched me. I told them that I would probably never be able to look him in the eyes again, I told them how I was worried about never seeing Jack again, because bloody hell, I loved that kid. I told them of my fears, how was this going to affect the way I work? Is our friendship over? Did I just fuck everything up?

     "Shit, Florence," JJ said.

     "You are so fucked."


dedicated to the lovely @h03tch-ner who is always super awesome!


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