Chapter 9

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The first day of school at the Royal College meant student orientation. Harry and Louis were still drowning in their moving boxes. Some were half unpacked and some were still taped shut but they all made it nearly impossible to move around in their tiny dorm appointment. That however was probably the best part of attending the prestigious school. It wasn't the world-class professors or the notoriety you get from attending it, no it was the fact that even as a freshman you weren't stuck in a tiny itty bitty dorm that made you feel claustrophobic. The only downside? It was obvious when you looked at your tuition bill. 

The boys had woken up early to fix themselves breakfast, digging into the only box that was labeled kitchen Louis pulled out two cooking pans and an old bag of pancake mix. It wasn't anything fancy, they didn't even have syrup but the idea was still there. Busy mixing the pancake batter Harry went through and found the tea kettle and tea bags. 

Soon, the apartment was filled with the warm scent of a warm breakfast. Neither Harry nor Louis bothered to try and find any plates so instead they used paper towels as plates and used an unopened box as a kitchen table. The tea was poured into a large thermos and place in the middle for the two to share.

Halfway through breakfast, Harry burst out into laughter.

"What is so funny?"

All he had to do was a gesture at the cardboard table for Louis to bubble up with laughter as well.

"Okay you're right this is so stupid."
"Oh it is but I bloody love it.

"And why is that?"
"Because it feels so normal. To be a student sitting in a pile of boxes eating a shit breakfast before Uni and living with my best friend. It's like one of those Hallmark movies or something."

"This is not a shit breakfast!"

"There is no syrup!"

"We'll go to the shops today after class so Mr. Styles doesn't have to suffer from another shit meal in this overpriced flat."

Harry got up onto his knees and leaned over the makeshift table, grabbed Louis' flustered cheeks, and placed a kiss onto his lips. Pulling away he laughed at the adoring and confused look on his boyfriend's face.

"There is no one else I would rather eat bland pancakes on top of a cardboard box with so please, do not fret about this because I love it. I love everything I do with you."

Louis never really knew how to respond to these acts because words and kisses never seemed to be enough. If he told Harry how much he loved him he feared it would lessen the value of those three little words. But when he was silent he felt as if he was taking a photograph and storing it forever. Just like the photos Harry had given him.

The two finished eating their breakfast and changed into their uniforms of khakis and polo shirts. Orientation started promptly at seven-forty-five in the auditorium so the pair hightailed it across the small campus to make it on time. 

Almost all of the seats in the auditorium were already taken so Louis and Harry snag a pair of seats in the back left corner. The dean of the school was giving a speech about the history of the school, how Queen Jane Seymour made her husband King Henery VIII promise her that he would create a college for their son on the last day of her life. One not just for him but for all of Britain's brightest minds to study together.  It was quite interesting but also boring for eight in the morning. 

Just before the pair began snoozing in their seats the entire group of students were divided into seven equal sections of thirty students and were placed with an upperclassman for a guided campus tour. Being in the back of their group Louis could not see who their guide was but Harry was sure he had seen the man before. Ash-blonde hair was a unique commodity and to see it twice within two days was rare and when the voice upfront cracked a joke about eggs he put two and two together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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