Chapter 7

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The five people stood half in the small dorm room and out in the tiny hallway leading up to it, all of them shell shocked. Everyone knew how Ronnie was, if they said what was really on their minds it was not going to be pretty. So instead they all talked with their eyes warning each other about the devil standing with them.

"Well Strawberry Shortcake is my cousin, I'm Razzy Cassie. You know like raspberries!"

Ronnie rolled her eyes in annoyance while everyone else tried their best to keep their laughs from bubbling out.

"I like what you did to the place, it's very elegant."

"Yeah I know."

Ronnie, who had already had enough of her new roommate and her boyfriend, turned to who she hated most in the room. Her ex-boyfriend linked hand in hand with his new boyfriend.

"I hope you all aren't expecting to hangout here. It is a girl only floor, although you two might qualify for that. The blonde will be left all alone."

If Harry had not already gripped his boyfriends' hand as tight as could, Niall jump in between the two exes', and Cassie pulled Ronnie to the opposite side of the room there was no telling what would have happened.

"Louis, look at me. Look at me, not her. She is not worth it; people like her do not change. She is going to do anything just to make you angry and she will keep doing it if it gets her a reaction. You are so much better than she is. Let the universe take care of her, she'll get the consequences to her bitchiness."

"And think of it this way, you two would be the world's bossiest bitches of all time. Even as females she would never compare to you."

It was the perfect balance of sensibleness from Harry to make Louis think rationally while Niall made it easy to release some of the tension by making him laugh. While the boys had now, somewhat, calmed down the girls were just getting started.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Oh, seriously like you don't know."

"Look here little miss Prissy we aren't stuck in the eighteenth century, learn to grow up. People are different and that perfectly fine, you do not have a right to diminish them because you refuse to be a decent human being."

"Oh yeah because dumping somebody right before the last semester of senior year is a decent thing to do to another human being."

"Yes, because you are a bitch! You had absolutely no respect for someone who was always there for you. You held him back. He is now with someone who loves the living hell out of him. That is what he deserves, not someone who treated him how you did."

"Oh, please I have men lining up waiting to become my new boyfriend. I am a lovely girlfriend."

"Look they may not be able to hit you, but I am a hair spread away from slapping you across the face if you keep whatever the hell this is up."

"Aw I'm so scared."

"Have fun being a bitch."

"Guys I think we are done here, let's leave so she can call daddy Satan."

Nobody needed to be told twice, in four seconds flat the group had left the small dorm room accompanied by a swift slam of the door. Instead of waiting for the elevator they went down the staircase, so they did not have to take a chance and possibly see Ronnie, or worse, her and her Prada wearing gang.

The blast of bright, golden, light, and warm wind was like resetting everything that had just happened. Well as much as it could. The words still stung and the harsh reality that people still had a problem with anything other than what is taught to be right was mind boggling to everyone.

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