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"The struggles of life
On my shoulders
Is like a Kid cutting down a forest
I will be prepared for this"

On the edge of a narrow bridge along the pipeline road sat a little Mat house, it was well plaited from the outside one would think it was made by a professional but this little House carries almost the burden of the world within, a drunkard father, an unsupportive Mom, Don't care sister and an ambitious son.
When the sun came up, everyone from a distance would see the little mat house sitting on the edge and think it's a furnished apartment because it dazzles within the early morning sun.

It was 3 am, and Kojo lay on his Mat plaited bed staring into thin air; one could even see the sky from within if concentrated keenly, turning on the bed mama noticed Kojo wasn't asleep, she carefully stared at him for a while and finally broke the silence
"Why are you staring into space as if you're a witch? Asked Mama
"Nothing, I  can't sleep, "Kojo replied, rolling his eyes
"It's like you're going crazy; I'm going back to sleep if you like, stay here till you hear the trumpets of judgment day," she said, turning her back
Kojo watched her position herself to sleep, and he sighed and looked away.
The birds sang to the melody of the morning, and there were noises of cars, bikes, the neighbors passing along the road, angrily Mr. Williams, Kojo's father, woke up and began to yell at the passerby, "Can't you walk without talking? , this early morning you're waking people up from their sleep."
"And who told you to plait your mat here? shift oga " came a yell from one of the men walking along the road
"Ah, papa, this morning again?" Kojo asked as he walked outside well dress in his uniform
"You should just shut up there before I reach you," replied Mr. Williams Angrily
"I'm off to school; they've got an opportunity for scholars on the campus today; my class picked me to participate for them; wish me luck, mama and papa," said Kojo excitingly
"Oh please, Kojo, always bragging, you deserve a stadium to perform since your this dramatic, " answered Hope Kojo's sister
"I don't have time for you Hope, why are you half-naked again? Aren't you going to school? He asked curiously
"Mind your business," she said, walking on the road
"Mama, are you allowing her to go out dress like that? Asked Kojo with a serious face
" Ehn hehn? Whose body is she showing? Is it my own? " asked mama rudely
"wow, I'm off to school, I pray for a favor," he said, giggling
"You are getting late, go to schoolboy," Mr. Williams said, holding a bottle of Club Beer

At school, Kojo was so excited because there was a scholarship opportunity for the scholars in the school, and every class presented their scholar. Only one of them would win the scholarship to study in Australia.
"Are you Ready, Kojo? Asked Mr. White, the principal
"Yes, sure I am, I been ready," he replied excitingly
Walking out of the classroom, Murphy the bully wasted chocolate milk on Kojo's shirt
"Oh, I'm sorry, you now look like trash, oh sorry you been a trash from the beginning," said Murphy
The class burst out into laughter
"I don't have time for this Murphy, and I got an exam to take, " replied Kojo pushing his way through Murphy and his gang
"Oh No, you aren't taking that test today Trash, people like you don't deserve such opportunity; you will remain in this school," said Murphy tearing Kojo's shirt
" Please don't do this, Murphy, not today, please, " Kojo pleaded
" Let him go, Murphy, "yelled Sandra, one of the students in the class
Murphy threw a sign at one of his colleagues, and he slapped Sandra
"Nobody yells at Murphy," said Murphy facing his classmates. "Anyone else wants to talk on this trash's behalf? He asked with a threatening look
The class was quiet, and Kojo kept begging, and he began to cry till he sneezes, and he messed his face up
"Ewwwwww, Your face look like trash," said Murphy laughing with his gang
Kojo pleaded with Murphy, but he didn't listen until it was almost time for the exam to be over
The principal ran into the classroom to find out why Kojo didn't follow him to the hallway; he met Kojo on his kneels crying with half his uniform torn up and his face messed up from the crying
He just sat on the ground crying with no words to explain what caused him not to take the exam
"Do you have any idea what you did, Kojo?  It was your moment to get out there and prove yourself worthy," said Mr. White angrily
"Mr. Principal, Kojo was on his way to the exam hall when...
"We told him to Hurry up, but he kept playing around till he dirties himself up," Murphy interrupted Sandra
"Is that what happened, Miss Davies? The principal asked, facing Sandra
Murphy showed her signs that he would beat her up if she says anything
" Uhm, sir, I don't know and never mind what I said earlier," she replied, bending her heads down
Kojo looked up at her and shooked his head with disappointment
"Get up and clean yourself, Kojo, you lost this opportunity already, " Said the Principal, walking out
After the principal Left, Murphy kicked Kojo and walked to his seat while Sandra went to lift Kojo up
He pushed her and ran outside, crying

At the house, Mr. Williams had gotten drunk and was beating on his wife, and Hope sat outside ignoring the fact her father was abusing her mom physically
Some of the passersby wanted to enter the house. Still, she stopped them and told them nothing was wrong, few walks from his house Kojo heard the noise he quickly ran and interfered, his mother ran outside saving herself leaving Kojo to the mercy of his father, Kojo was but a child and couldn't fight his father, and so he was beaten badly till his body was sore. He couldn't walk; Mr. Williams walked out with his beer bottle to catch the cold breeze. When Hope heard him grumbling coming the way, she ran as far as she could to avoid him ending his anger on her.
In the meantime, Mama had left the house, and nobody knew where she was at the time while Kojo lay down crying out loud as he struggled to get up and walk outside, he tried over and over, but to no avail, he dragged himself to the end of the room and sat as he grieved out his heart with countless of questions he needed answers to
"Why was I born to this family?
" Why Is papa the way he is?
"Why Didn't I take that exam today to finally get out of this hell hole?"
He cried over and over till sleep carry him.

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