Donut Holes

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Luisa sighed. Another stressful week over, thank god. Her days since the insemination had been filled with lawsuits, paperwork, and more paperwork. Her brother's anger towards her had cooled a little, especially now that Jane had decided she wanted to keep the baby.
Unfortunately for Rafael, Jane was happily engaged to Micheal leaving Luisa listening to her brother's endless rants about her. Jane this, Jane that, it always came back to fucking Jane. To say Luisa was sick of it would be an understatement, but the least she could do was listen.
A vibration in her pocket snapped Luisa's train of thought.
"Incoming call from Rose"
Rose. A certain redheaded stepmother, in this case her certain redheaded stepmother, aka the last person Luisa wanted to deal with. Gathering the will to pick up the phone she said,
A question. It sounded like a question. Goddamnit, Rose. Always turning her statements into questions while constantly keeping the brunette on her toes. If inconsistency was a language, Rose Solano would be a natural speaker.
"What do you want?" Another question.
"How are you?" Rose's voice was infuriatingly calm.
"How AM I??" Luisa stuttered "I don't know Rose, how am I? I accidentally inseminated a woman and lost my medical license, not to mention- you."
"Me?" She asked innocently. Luisa could hear the coy smile behind her voice.Luisa sighed in exasperation. Apparently Rose had "forgotten" about their affair in her office and the breakup that followed only days after. Again. Big shocker.
Taking advantage of Luisa's silence, Rose continued,
"Lu?" Lu. Little goosebumps formed on Luisa's arms when Rose shortened her name. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she remembered all the times Rose had used "Lu." Whispered it, said it, screamed it, moaned it. It drove Luisa insane which, the redhead was fully aware of.
Rose's voice dropped to a whisper "open the door."
Luisa had opened her mouth to protest- sensed by Rose ten seconds before it happened.
"Lu, do as you're told.... and you will be rewarded..." she trailed off, her voice blending with the loud BEEP BEEP as she hung up.
Rose's voice had already sent arousal flowing to her center, but the whisper was not helping. Luisa cracked open the door to her penthouse. The hallway was completely empty. She opened the door a bit wider, and wider until she was standing out in the middle of the hall.
"Boo!" A pair of arms appeared out of nowhere, lassoing themselves around Luisa's waist. Rose attacked the brunette's neck with kisses, causing a small pleasurable moan of surprise from Luisa's lips.
"Hey, you" the redhead purred. Luisa giggled as Rose spun her around so they were facing each other, all previous thoughts forgotten. The redhead's curls were pulled back into a tight ponytail today , and Luisa caught a glimpse of her lace bra poking out through her fluffy bath robe.
"Mmmmm, hi" Luisa moaned, instinctively reaching for the tie on Rose's robe. Smirking, Rose backed out of her grasp. Giggling as Luisa pouted she grinned, "not yet baby" stretching out the "y". She held up a long blue package that only Luisa would recognize from that far away.
"HEY, give it here-" Luisa started towards Rose. Grinning even wider, Rose backed away, bringing the donuts with her. Luisa felt like a dog waiting for her owner to throw a stick at the park. Nevertheless, she followed her redhead lover to the end of the hallway. Rose slipped into a storage closet, followed closely by Luisa. The two women found themselves surrounded by a sea of fluffy white towels and mini shampoo. Rose reached behind Luisa, pushing the door closed, her hands slowly finding their way from the door to Luisa's ass. Rose's hands on her body made the brunette feel like the arousal was going to erupt out of her. Her center was so heated, she knew if Rose didn't do something soon, she would melt from the heat.
Rose's hands trailed her waist, smoothly unzipping her zipper and throwing her jeans to the side.
Luisa let out a whimper. This was not fair. Rose was teasing her and she knew it. Unable to take the tension anymore, the brunette ran her hands behind the redhead's back, closing the distance between them with a heated kiss.
Rose moaned into the kiss, intertwining her tongue with Luisa's. Her hands seemed to stutter as she lifted her shirt and heatedly unclipped her bra. Luisa on the other hand hand no issue stripping Rose. She roughly handled Rose's bathrobe and bra, snaking her panties down her legs.
"Rose-" Luisa gasped pulling away from the kiss. She eyed the packet of donuts in Rose's hand. Rose, catching Luisa's eye as she usually did smirked.
Whispering in that taunting voice of hers, the redhead explained,
"Here's the deal with these." She smirked even wider.
"For" she placed a kiss on Luisa's collarbone, "every" one on her cleavage, "time" she massaged Luisa's breast, "you can" the other breast now, "make me" a trail of kisses down her stomach, "cum" a kiss on her inner thigh, "I" the other thigh now, "will" she gave herself a taste of Luisa's folds, "feed you" twirling her tounge inside Luisa now, "one" she flicked her clit, "of these."
"Ro-" Luisa moaned, gasping at each swift motion of Rose's tongue. "Please, please" she gasped. For a moment, Rose thought about indulging Luisa's wishes , but then pulled out of her, causing Luisa to whimper and pout. Satisfied, Rose pulled herself upwards to kiss the sweaty brunette. Luisa kissed her back roughly, tasting herself on Rose's tounge. Pulling away, Rose whispered through a smile,
"Your turn."
Suddenly, Luisa flipped herself, slamming Rose into the wall and sending mini shampoo bottles raining down on them. "Challenge accepted...mommy."
Rose blushed a shade brighter than her hair at Luisa's words.
The brunette wrapped Rose's thigh with hers, aligning their clits directly on each other. She started rocking back and forth, guiding herself along Rose.
Rose let out a moan so deep Luisa could feel the arousal stirring up again.
"Faster...please Lu..."
It was Luisa's turn to smirk. "'re gonna have to beg for it."
"Lu.. I'm begging, I'm begging" she groaned, gasping heavily between each word. "Lu, PLEASE!" She was practically screaming, but Luisa maintained her slow, teasing pace.
"What- more do you want from me?" Rose begged. Luisa laughed, clearly enjoying her position in power. Dropping her voice so low, Rose had to strain her ears to hear Luisa correctly she said, "call me mommy."
Rose gasped, crying out "mommy go FASTER. Fuck, Luisa—" she cut out, overwhelmed as Luisa picked up the pace, advancing on Rose rapidly now.
"Lu....god, Lu...I'm close.." she muttered.
Luisa picked up the pace even more, caressing Rose's breasts as she rode her.
"Lu—" Luisa sent her arching back into a fiery orgasm.
Collapsing forwards she sputtered, "Fuck, Luisa."
Luisa stood back, mouth open expectantly. Catching her breath, Rose popped a donut into her mouth.
"I told you you'd be rewarded." She whispered. Smiling satisfactorily, Luisa finished chewing and took it upon herself to lick the powder off of Rose's fingers.
"Oh, that's not enough for me." Luisa cooed, twirling a strand of Rose's strawberry locks around her finger.
"Oh really?" Rose replied in a mock-tone. "Well what are you gonna do about it?"
Grinning, Luisa propelled herself down Rose's body, rolling her tounge around her nipple, while massaging her other breast roughly.
Looking up, she husked, "does that answer your question?"
Rose moaned in response, urging for Luisa to continue. Luisa pressed kisses all down her body, reaching her folds. She twirled her tongue through them, finding Rose's clit in record time. Wasting no time at all she flicked her tongue back and forth, reaching her hands up to massage Rose's waist at the same time.
Rose gasped softly, her moans in usion with Luisa's flicks. Very suddenly, she pulled her tongue out, met with disappointment by Rose, which changed to a louder, heavier moan as Luisa slipped two fingers in its place.
"God, Lu.." she husked. Luisa pushed her fingers back into Rose, twisting them in her favorite pattern.
"I'm gonna- I'm gonna come.." she stuttered.
"Already?" Lu teased, "that was fast, don't you think?"
Rose replied with a gasp as she started grinding her hips downwards. She picked up the pace as Luisa curved her fingers inside Rose.
Rose screamed in hot, sweaty pleasure as she came hard.
"Mmm no I think I liked mommy better." Luisa replied with a smirk. Rose laughed but winced slightly as she pulled out of her.
Licking her fingers, Luisa stated "Baby, don't get me wrong, you taste amazing, but I'm waiting for my reward."
Rose rolled her eyes, but not before tossing Luisa a donut which she caught in her mouth.
"Show off." She grumbled. Luisa grinned, bending into a fake bow as she chewed her donut. Finishing it she pressed herself up onto Rose, capturing her in a kiss.

The sound of the door slamming open was sudden, and loud. Luisa sprang apart from Rose, realizing they were both completely naked in the company of......Rafael and Jane?
"Oh my god-" Luisa started. Rafael was topless holding a pant less Jane. Jane as in Jane Villanueva as in- the girl I inseminated? As in the Jane Villanueva who's engaged to Micheal?
"Luisa- it's not what it looks like-" Rafael said immediately. "I- holy shit- Rose?" The two naked women looked at each other realizing there was no way out of this.

Hey everyone, this is gonna be an ongoing thing while I write longer stories! I'm not sure how often I'll update but I'll definitely active. If you guys have any ideas or request for a one shot feel free to message me 💕 thanks for reading lovelies, hope you enjoyed :)
- karishma

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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