What is wrong with me? (NR)

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Tony: "we have a new recruit, everyone meet Y/N"

Y/n steps into the room

Everyone stairs at her because she looks drop dead gorgeous

Wanda: "do you have any powers?" She says breaking the silence

Y/N: " I can control the elements and people, oh also I can fight" you say in a slight Russian accent.

Wanda: " have you got them under control?"

Y/N: " yes, but it makes me a bit weak"

Tony: " Steve can you show Y/n around And our guest rooms"

Steve and Y/N leave the room

Natasha: " i don't like her"

Tony: " didn't ask plus we need her"


Steve: " and this is your room"

Y/n: " thanks it's pretty cool"

Steve: " ya it is, now get ready we have training and 10"

Y/n: " yes Captain!" You say in a mocking voice as you laugh
He laughs with you

Training room

Tony: " let's do combat fighting! Y/N and Natasha!"

He calls you to stand where everyone's watching

You and nat fight

She in you down

Natasha: " weak" she says under her breath.

You hear it and use your foot and slip it under her to flip her over and pin her down. You tilt your head and get off of her.

Y/N: and walk of like you rule the would then stop and you flip your hair and everyone starts breaking down laughing, then bat gives in the glare in the all shut up.

Tony: " impressive Y/N"
Keep keep a straight face and nod

Time skips because I can

Everyone has left and you were still boxing as Natasha walks in.

Natasha: " why do you have to be such a show off"

Y/n: " not my fault you let your guard down" I say while punching the bag.

She stared at you

Y/n: " I don't know why you don't like me, but that isn't going to change the fact that I'm on the team I'm here now"

You walk out of the room while nat processes

Little later

Wanda knocks on my door

Wanda: " y/n dinner is ready"

Y/n: " coming!"


You are eating pasta Wanda and vision made

You can feel someone staring at you

Y/n: " what?"

Steve: " y/n where did you learn to fight like that a wile ago?"

Wanda: " what Organization"

Natasha: " red room"

Y/n: " and hydra"

Steve: " And?"

Y/n: " they worked together to get me, because I was the only living person at that time that could withhold an infinity stone beside Wanda.   Any more questions?"

They all stay silent feeling sorry they asked

You stand up and leave

Your room

You were laying downstairs at the ceiling when someone knocks on the door.

Y/n: " come in" you say dryly

You seen nat coming in from the corner eye.. the last person you expected to knock on your door.

Natasha: " I'm sorry-"

Y/n: " get to the point Natasha I be both know you hate me, and you aren't sorry, what do you want."

You stand up and your inches away from her.

Natasha: " I'm sorry and I mean it.. the reason I am so could to you is because I like you like a lot. And I'm trying to push the feelings away but it isn't working and it's getting annoying and I don't know what to do an-"

I push my self forward and kiss her, I rap my arms around her waste and pull her closer. And she raps her arms around my neck.

You pull away for air. And stare into her Emerald green eyes.

Y/n: " not so weak am I"

Natasha: " you heard that?!"

You nod

Later you snuggle up in bed and watch a movie.

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