Chapter 4-Unknown Feeling & Tears Shed

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Lauren's POV

I had been waiting all night to kiss Brad's soft lips. He had no other choice but to hold my face in his hands and pull me close. He meshed his lips into mine, but was still very tense. But, all of his nerves seemed to disappear when i laced my fingers through his hair and around his neck. He wound one of his arms around my waist and the kiss turned from acting, to passion.
We finally realized we were in front of all the cameras, and I started to pull away, instantly regretting it. Our lips parted and he looked into my eyes. I looked right back at him and gave him a small smile.

"I'll see you inside babe." I whispered and walked off, leaving him wanting more, I hoped.

Brads POV

As she meshed her lips with mine, my whole body tensed up. I knew Gabbie would be watching this, and I knew she would be angry, but I couldn't just stop. All these cameras would see the real truth.

I was hating every second of this awkward kiss, until something happened. She laced her warm fingers through my hair, and I was a goner. I pulled her in closer. I was actually enjoying it. Until she pulled away and gave me the most beautiful smile I had ever seen in my life. Her hands left my hair.

"I'll see you inside babe." She whispered. I actually couldn't wait to go inside and hold her hand and sit next to her. Everything changed now. For some reason, I was actually beginning to like Lauren.

Gabbies POV

I woke up in a sea of my own tissues. Nicole was still asleep, and memories of last night began to flood back. I couldn't get the image of Brad and Lauren kissing out of my mind. They looked so right for eachother. I would never look that way with Brad. Last night, after Nicole fell asleep, I cried for hours, watching TV and hoping Nic wouldn't wake up and see me like this. I just couldn't believe how everything got messed up so quickly.

I decided to get up and go watch TV in the living room, so I wouldn't wake up Nic. The news channel came up instantly with a picture of Brad and Lauren eating dinner last night. They were talking and holding hands and laughing. Brad used to do that with me. I was so furious, but I couldn't push myself to change the channel.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I saw Brad's name appear on the screen.

From: Brad<3
Hey Gabs, could we hang out today? We could go bowling and go see a movie or something. Sorry I bailed on you yesterday. I'll pick you up around noon :)xx

I sighed. I couldn't say no. Even though I spend the last 12 hours crying over him, I couldn't miss an opportunity to hang out with him. I finally replied.

To: Brad

Okay. I guess I will see you then :)xx

I put my phone back into my pocket and quietly slipped out the front door. NIc wouldn't understand why I was leaving to go meet the boy I just spent all night crying over. I got in my car and drove home.

Brads POV

Last night was so amazing. I couldn't believe I had such a great time. Lauren was actually beginning to act like a girlfriend. I woke up, and instantly wished to see Lauren once more. I couldn't believe how one kiss changed everything. I actually realized that she has such a sense of humor and she really is very sweet. I decided to text her.

To: Lauren <3

Hey I had a great time last night! i miss you a lot, so you think we could hang out this morning? I know this really great ice cream store that we could walk to. <3xx

She replied back a couple minutes later.

From: Lauren <3

Sure! I'll be over as soon as possible. <3xx

I then remembered that I also had to tell Gabs about America. I texted her and told her that we would hang out around noon. I hoped I wouldn't still be with Lauren by then, or it would be very awkward.

I soon heard a knock at the door, and raced over to go get it. I was greeted by Lauren, who looked very very beautiful.

"Shall we go?" she asked with a smile.

"Of course." I said as we walked out the front door. Taking her hand in mine.


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