Chapter 6- Sabotage & Almost Kisses

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Brad's POV

I finally returned home after a very boring day. My heart dropped into my stomach when I realized I had got a text from Gabriella. I forgot! She probably hated my guts. I still haven't told her about America! I opened my phone and read the text.

From: Gabs<3

Hey umm... if you don't mind me asking, why did you have to cancel today?;(

I froze. I never canceled... It took me a moment to realize it, but I finally figured out that Lauren must have took my phone when I went to the bathroom. How could she?! It all made sense now. That's why she had asked to do all those things today.

I was furious, but I had to make it up to Gabriella. I couldn't lose her. She was my everything, even though things have been really screwed up lately. I loved her, and I was sure of that.

I threw on a coat and got in my car. I stopped at a flower shop along the way before arriving at Gabs house.

Gabriella's POV

I finally decided to text Brad and as him for an answer as to why he had to cancel.

To: Brad

Hey umm... if you don't mind me asking, why did you have to cancel today? ;(

I had waited for 5 minutes, staring at my phone and waiting for a response, but nothing. I put down my phone and turned on the TV. I was so furious that he didn't even respond.

A while later, I heard a knock at the door. I was in my sleep wear with no make up on! But I didn't have enough time to get ready. I finally opened the door, only to find Brad with a bouquet of beautiful bright red roses in his hand.

"I know I wasn't able to make it to Starbucks today, but I have a reason. Would you let me come in and explain?" He asked hopefully.

I hesitated. He didn't show up, and made me wait for him for an hour. And I already knew the reason, didn't I? He ditched me for Lauren. I was about to turn down his offer, but his smile melted my heart. I couldn't tell him to leave. I was so in love with him. I motioned for him to come in and I took the flowers from him.

I put the flowers in a vase, and joined Brad on the couch.

"I'm so sorry Gabby. I was on my date with Lauren, which by the way was a horrible disaster, and I went to the bathroom. Lauren must have sent you the text saying that I had to cancel and then deleted it. After, she asked me to go to the mall and all that so I would forget that i had a date with you. I really am sorry Gab. I know you shouldn't forgive me but I have missed you so much these past couple days. If you want me to leave... I will." He said. He looked down at his hands in his lap as I tried to find the right words to say.

I felt like I was flying! He didn't really ditch me. I hated Lauren more than ever, but I was glad Brad had come and told me the truth.

I was about to say something, when he interrupted me with the horrible news that i had forgotten about until now. It was the news that I already knew. The news that I had to pretend was a surprise.

"Gabbie, I'm going on tour in America."

I acted like I was shocked, even though it still hurt for him to say it. I felt his warm hands envelope mine and my heart skipped a beat. He leaned in and put his lips to my ear.

"And I don't want to leave you" He whispered.

He pulled away and we stared into each other's eyes. This time, I leaned in. My heart was beating so wildly and my whole body heated up. I closed my eyes and leaned in slowly until I could feel the warmth of his breath and his large hand on my cheek, pulling me closer.

I suddenly heard a buzzing sound come from Brad's pocket and he pulled back, breaking us out of our trance. My heart was racing. I actually almost kissed Brad Simpson.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly typed a response to whoever sent him the text.

"I'm really sorry, I have to go. Dean needs me to record some things with the boys. Could I possibly come over tomorrow around noon? I promise I won't stand you up again." He said with a chuckle.

"That would be great, Brad. See you tomorrow." I said shakily with a smile. he stood up and showed himself to the door with a wave goodbye.

I looked down and quickly realized that I just had a moment with the boy I had loved since forever. He actually almost kissed me, if it hadn't been for Dean. I also realized that I had had that special moment, in my sleep wear, with no makeup on.

I couldn't believe that Lauren had done that to me! How dare she. Was Brad going to break up with her, or would their managers make them stay together?

But, I knew one thing for sure. I was going to make Lauren pay for what she did.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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