Daddy's babygirl

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(Y/n=22 Mikey=22 Michelle=3)
Y/n's POV
Mikey was playing the game and I was sitting Couch on my phone and our daughter Michelle was coloring it was quite until Michelle said something....
Mi: mommy and daddy
Y&M: yes baby girl
Mi: what's a dick
Mikey sat there in shock..with me on the other hand trying not to laugh. Mikey looked at me with a serious angry look on his face bitch that told me I had to straight my face up real quick.
M: baby where did you get that word from Mikey asked her
Mi: I heard uncle bronny talking about it on the phone with ti ti  jasmine and he was talking about h-how mommy and ti ti jasmine like to swallow kids
M: baby girl he said as picked her up
M: don't ever say that word again ok that a really bad word
Mi: why not mommy say bad words all the time when she alone in her room when your gone
M: oh really he said looking at mean until he turned his head back to our daughter
M: mommy was jus tickling her kitty he said
Mi: We got a cat??!!!! She said starry eyed
M: No baby girl but it's a personal cat for mommy to play with he said to her putting her down
Mi: oh ok she said running off somewhere
I looked at him innocently
M: what's this about you ticking your kitty
Y: I was lonely and you weren't there he stuck his hand in my pants and rubbed my clit

Fuckkkkk I moaned. He stuck two fingers as I moaned loud
M: come on let's go upstairs he says taking his fingers out

You like that baby?
Yea I like it's so cute Michelle said
I giggled as I watched my daughter and her father play around with each other
Y: want a boy I said rubbing my 6 month pregnant belly
Mi: mommy where do babies come from? She asked
Y: omg here we go again I said

Ok that's all I got so yea byeeeeee

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