Part one.

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it was such an odd feeling to Preston, to have fallen so deeply in love with his best friend, one of the only people he was so comfortable with calling a best friend. he really meant so much to the thespian, he loved everything Harrison did, everything he said, in his eyes ...harrison was so perfect. when he'd hear him laugh it would fill his stomach with butterflies, every conversation made Preston grin and blush, no matter how 'silly' he thought Harrison's magic was just seeing him so happy about something he was so passionate about made Preston beyond happy, just thinking of the magician's smile brought a grin to Preston's face. he had fallen in love, but there was something wrong with these feelings, that being- ....harrison had begun dating Nerris, months ago. everytime he'd see them together it would bring the thespian so much pain, he felt so selfish but- he wanted him so bad, he needed him so bad, to feel his kiss and to be held, he wanted harrison with each and every inch of his body.

 this is our story, the tail of two boys who were certain to never become lovers, to keep their friendship and hurt Preston, this is how it should be.


then that Preston's slumber and sweet dreams had been interrupted by that god forsaken and notorious alarm clock, turning over under the heavy knitted quilt to try and turn that clock off, letting out an angry and sleepy groan before slowly sitting up and rubbing the tiredness from his sunny coloured eyes, Looking around the painfully familiar floral room of his grandmother's house. Preston had been living with his Grandma since junior year, he had to be there for his Grandmother, her health had only been getting worse, but even living with a constant reminder of hid grandmother's depletion health was better then with either of his parents.

he threw the covers aside, getting up and towards the bathroom to begin getting ready for school. nerris was coming to pick him up in only about 30 minutes and that wasn't close to enough time to get himself ready! he needed to look good, not lazy or sloppy, but good. he began taking the hair curlers and clips out of his amber red coloured Hair, brushing and trying to fix it. he threw on whatever and needed to get out the door, nerris would be pissed if he was late again. as the Theater kid tried doing both chopstick and buttoning his shirt at once he heard the sound of nerris honking the car's horn outside, "..shit—" he began running out there waving with a tired and even slightly frustrated expression. He quickly opened the door sitting down and buckling up with a huff and sigh, ready to just get today over with, he needed to get back and finish his writing, if we're being honest .... Preston didn't even think he was going to graduate high school, but that he was going to be another art student dropout, that's the life he was thinking and that he was determined to live.


as Preston and Nerris entered the school building, small chit Chat before a familiar face had ran up to the two, Harrison. The magician was smiling brightly and excitedly, he was excited to finally see his best friend and theyfriend who had arrived abit late. 

"hi pres! hey babe, where have you two been? youre late hah" 

harrison's voice was so soft spoken and his israeli accent was utterly gorgeous to Preston, just hearing him and hearing his greeting made his once resting bitch face light up with a smile. "ha, yeah sorry, Preston was taking forever to get ready again, sorry i left you waiting," nerris's voice was soft as they apologized, leaning down and gently placing a quick peck on Harrison's lips. 

"ohno, babe its alright, no need for apologies hah" 

seeing the small kiss nerris had given harrison left the thespian angry, he was ..upset? he knew how happy they were, how selfish these feelings were, but god— he couldn't help it, hes tried time and again to get over harrison but ...none of it has ever worked, he wanted him so bad.

this moment was interrupted by the bell ringing, harrison gasping out. "oh! hah cmon, we cant miss this again, mr dover was PISSED last time!" Harrison began walking to class but that soon becoming a run "w-wait aaghh! harri!!" the elfkin yelled, running after him while letting out giggly laughter. the thespian didn't have the same class, he felt ..upset. he began walking to his class, it felt hard to get the other boy out of his mind, rather that be negative or positive, he loved him for both.

(( aaaaa sorry it was abit short, i was just trying to get something out <:] ))

- word count (812) 

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