Part two !!

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just like that- ... Preston was in class staring off into the wall. He'd always had trouble focusing and being uninterested, but this time he found himself distracted with his thoughts, all he could think about was his and harriston's ...friendship, it was even embarrassing how hard it's got for him to get harrison off his mind. He wasn't paying attention to a word the teacher had said, he was staring off with a grin painting over his face as those oh so sweet and pleasant thoughts of the other male filled his head. 

The thespian's eyes shut as he found himself getting lost in those thoughts, and that happy scenario in his head. He'd think about what it would feel like for Harri to hold him closely, to feel and smell him so close- it seems so creepy to anyone knowing these thoughts but to him felt like such a sweet unfamiliar feeling, just thinking of the other had brought nothing but those butterflies again. He was getting more excited as he remembered Harri was coming over tonight to study, Preston wasn't necessarily— the smartest person, he was rather 'slow', but most the time he'd make excuses just to get harrison over, to spend time and talk with him even just a little bit more, to get him away from nerris if even for a moment and to be alone .. together. As he was getting lost in thought again the bell rang, shaking him out of his pleasant world. as students began sitting up grabbing their supplies and excusing themselves from the classroom, preston was staring down at his blank Notepad. 


the day had passed by so slowly it felt, preston couldn't concentrate through half of it, his dumb teenage brain was doing what it does best. as the two males began making their way back to preston's place the conversation somehow always went back to ..nerris, harrison knew how bad their relationship was becoming, such lack of communication and, he felt so alone. 

with a loud sigh preston throw off his backpack and plopped down into bed with a annoyed groan, harrison quietly sighed to himself at the thespian's complete lack of motivation and attitude as he entered the small bedroom after him. the magician took a seat on the bed, opening his backpack to begin grabbing out their assignments, preston slowly sitting back up with yet another huff. "can't we just put that boring work off till tomorrow?" he asked with a whiny tone, taking his shoulder length hair out of the tight ponytail it was in. harrison really disliked Preston's laziness when it came to schoolwork, he wanted Preston to have a chance to get into a good college and find a paying career that wasn't fine arts.

"pres, that's not how this works, we don't need to get all of it done tonight just- just abit." it was hard for him not to get annoyed with Preston's attitude, but he knew becoming upset wouldn't do either any good. 

"mm ..fiinneee .." 

the light brunette magician tried helping preston with .. algebra, repeating the same things as last week but it seemed Preston never listened, always finding a way to distract himself and keep his head in the clouds.

"god- this is BEYOND utterly boring! i have an idea! do you like dancing?" the question was abit out of nowhere from just doing math, leading to harrison taking off his reading glasses to gently pinch the Bridge of his nose, running a hand through his pulled back bangs.

"preston ..we don't have time to dance, whatever ..that means .." preston simply just sighed, rolling his eyes before grabbing his phone to turn on a gentle yet ... Cheery song, staying in his spot on the bed and doing a little shimmy dance with his upper body, letting out quiet giggly laughter realizing how dumb this was. 

"youre such a weirdo- but it is a nice song," the brunette spoke with light laughter, slowly moving his head to the song, causing a grin on Preston's face. 

"thats— enough dancing, we need to work!" Harrison spoke with a smile, reaching over to grab Preston's phone and turning off the music. the magician let out a soft sigh as preston pouted at him, crossing his arms,

"i was having fun!" "but we're supposed to be doing our schoolwork, not having fun," preston simply pouted again, going to shut his eyes and look away before he saw harrison begin removing his heavy sweater, a dark grey short sleeves v-neck underneath, placing the brown coloured sweater at the end of the thespian's bed amongst their backpacks, leaving preston's face feeling hot. "now, no more dancing!"

it had felt like hours had gone by, the thespian beyond bored out of his mind, painting his nails, brushing out his hair, cleaned up his room, well Harrison was still doing both of their work. then harrison had finally checked the clock on his phone, sighing softly and grabbing his stuff to begin stuffing everything back in his bag. "oh, is it time to go already?" 

"yeah, but I'll be back tomorrow, same time." harrison stood up, causing a whine out of Preston. "nooo, but I'll miss you too much!" he rolled his eyes at the theater kid's comment, finding it god awfully adorable, like ..a puppy. 

"i know, but i need to get home, my mom will kill me. see ya at school—" 

"at least let me walk you to the door!" he was seeming .. very desperate, though this was nothing new, sadly. "Hah, pres it's okay, i know where im going. try to get some sleep, okay? i know you like to stay up late." 

like that... The magician walked out, leaving preston feeling sleepy and disappointed. He began cleaning off everything Harrison had scattered all over the bed, till he found tucked up against his backpack ... the Brown sweater from earlier, Preston's once disappointed expression lit up with excitement and curiosity, gently grabbing it, pulling it close.

he began getting the stuff off his bed with less of a care, just wanting to lay down and get some sleep, but before he lied down ..he slowly brought the sweater closer to his face, hesitantly smelling it with a blissful grin. This is what he's been waiting, to feel so close to harrison, to take him in just like that... It felt so amazing to him. 

Preston gently pulled the sweater over himself, bringing up the sleeve to his face to smell it again, ((creepy)) he felt like he was floating, his chest tight and his body stiff. he fell back, shutting his eyes and taking in the feeling of Harrison around him, to feel so safe, he couldn't help but grin so largely. — 

(( aight, sorry it took so long!! my motivation has been so non existent

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