Memory lane (part 2)

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"Fourth year they brought back the Triwizard Tournament but the problem really started in the summer at the night of the quidditch world cup. This is the start of the "the whole year is important" from this point on you will be seeing most of the year not just bits and pieces" The memory of the night started with me being woken by Arther yelling at us to run. As the memory passed Voldemort looks at the Death Eaters "fools the whole lot of them. Risking their freedom for a little drunken fun"

"Do you know who they are? We never got confirmation on who was who and honestly I never could keep them straight."

"That was Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle with the muggles. Those two over there are Nott and Macnair." we see another Death Eater in the distance "and that would be Avery"

"Barty crouch Jr. is also here somewhere. He was under an invisibility cloak."

"Jr. died a long time ago in Azkaban, how is he here?"

"Long story short his dying mom made his dad take her to visit Jr. and switched places with each other under Polyjuice. After they got home Sr. put Jr. under the Impetus until he broke out of it shortly before this. It was his mother that died in Azkaban still under Polyjuice." Suddenly the Dark mark was right above us "that was Jr." we watch as Bartemius accuses Ron Hermione and myself.

"That idiot can't honestly believe that not only children but THE Harry Potter or one of his friends cast my mark. Watch is a spell I made and only taut to my followers. Even if one of your parents where one of my followers you three where toddlers when I disappeared and I myself have to teach the spell"

"I don't think he douse although he is pretty stupid so maybe. No I think he knows his son got out and he has a good idea that it was Jr. but he could outright and say that could he. Not that much happens until Halloween. Three days before Halloween Durmstrang and Beauxbatons Academy showed up but that's about it." The scene shows the three schools on Halloween waiting for the cup to spit out the names of the three competitors. Voldemort watched the competterters from the two other school be selected

"That girl-"

"She's a quarter Veela and was one of my sister in laws not that she will be this time around unfortunately because she was a wonderful girl once she realized she was loved for herself and not because of the Veela blood"

We watched Cedric walk through the door and Dumbledore start to talk before the cup flared up again and spit out a fourth name

"Harry Potter" we watch the shocked faces of myself and many of the other students. I was able to focus on some of the other students that I wasn't able to do because I was so shocked at the moment. " HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore yelled as Hermione pushed me to get up. I could watch the look of anger and jealousy form on Ron's face. I looked around and noticed the same look on many of the other kids. We followed the memory to the other champions. Voldemort watched with a puzzled face as the memory of the adults trying to strongarm me into saying I entered myself. Voldemort let off a low Growl when he finally realized Karkaroff was the Durmstrang headmaster.

"Do you not like Karkaroff?" I asked looking towards him

"No he is a trader" he said through gritted teeth

"But what's the difference between him and the Death Eaters who cried inspirus? Don't get me wrong Lucius is wonderful this time around now that I'm friends with Draco but at least Karkaroff didn't deny being a Death Eater others did."

"That is true but he still sold out other followers."

"I've seen a memory of him selling out others the only name he gave them that they didn't have was Barty's name. And then there's people like..."

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