Part 4

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Howard walked into the hospital room. His wife was lying on a bed with bandages on her face and limbs. A drip was plunged into one of her arms.
Howard held her wife's hand in his. "Suzanne, can you hear me?"
"Yes." She replied and stared at the bed next to hers. "Jennifer's in a coma."
Howard stared at the bed to his side. Jennifer laid there with her eyes closed. She had less bandages on her body but the doctor had told Howard that he was uncertain when she would wake up again.
"She'll be alright." Howard pressed his wife's hand.
"I know." Suzanne muttered coughing.
"Goodbye Suzanne." Howard sat down on the bed and kissed his wife gently on the lips. "Where are you going?"
Howard got up from the bed. "To make my final wish." Howard stepped inside Martyr Prison.
"Miller!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.
Everyone ignored him.
"Miller! Come out and face me!" Howard screamed again. "Screw this."
He ran past the main reception desk and through the door leading to the prison cells. He was heading towards the execution chamber.
"Hey someone stop that guy!" the man behind the reception desk called out.
Two prison guards sprinted after the dentist. Howard was unstoppable knocking over anyone who came in his way.
There was a guard standing outside the execution chamber.
Samuel was standing outside the chamber whistling a tune.
"Who are you?" the guard asked Howard as soon as they came face to face. "The dentist." Howard punched the guard knocking him out.
Howard took the keychain off of the fallen prison-guard and started trying every key on the door. Two guards entered the hall carrying pistols.
"Let go of the keys and put your hands up!" one of the guards warned with his pistol pointed at the dentist.
Howard didn't listen. He continued trying to get the door open. "This is your last warning!" the other security guard called. Howard still didn't listen trying key after key at the door. "That's it." One of the guards said and pulled the trigger. Bang.
Howard held his chest as if the bullet had hit him there. Nothing. He hadn't been shot. There was complete silence after the gunshot. Howard turned around. Both of the guards had bullet- holes in their foreheads. Their eyes were wide open and blood trickled down their foreheads coloring their faces red.
Howard refocused his attention on the locked door.
He finally found the right key and unlocked the door. Howard slammed it open and hurriedly closed it behind him. An eerie silence surrounded the room. A cold chill ran through Howard's entire body. The chair was there in the middle of the room as usual. No sign of Miller.
Howard slowly stepped towards the chair. He sat down on the hard metal surface. The straps were automatically pulled around his wrists and ankles.
Howard looked downwards at his feet.
"Finally arrived." A ghastly voiced echoed off the walls of the chamber.
It was Miller in his demonic form standing near the lever on the wall. He had the metal helmet in his hands. He stared at Howard in a demonic way.
"Why did you kill your family, Miller?" Howard asked the creature who was approaching him. Miller grimaced. "They deserved to die!"
Howard didn't divert his gaze. He was facing Miller without fear.
"You want to know how I got rich!?" Miller asked. "A magic book. A black magic book!" "What!?"
"Yes, it gave me all I needed but unfortunately..." Miller said. "My wife was a devout Christian and she was going to inform the nearby church so I had to get rid of her."
"What about your children!?"
"I couldn't let them live without their mother."
"You mean you couldn't let them live with a crazy father like yourself!"
Miller stared furiously at Howard then grinned. "I escaped this filthy prison by offering my soul to the devil!"
"You electrocuted yourself?"
"I had to follow the instructions in the book." Miller snickered then walked towards Howard and put the helmet on the defenseless man's head.
"Why do you want me to make the final wish?" Howard asked with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"The only way to get free from this living hell is by granting three wishes to a person with a clean soul whose locked up in this shithole of a prison." Miller walked to the lever on the wall and held it.
"What happens after I make this wish?" "I go free!"
Howard tried to break free from the straps but then gave up realizing that making this final wish was his only way out.
"Make a wish, Howard!" Miller demanded. "Wish for money! Wish for fame! Wish for anything!"
"I wish that my daughter would wake up from her coma."
Miller pulled the lever down and the electricity shot through Howard's body. He screamed in agony. Blood poured through his ears, his eyes, and his mouth. Suddenly, a flash of light blinded Howard. The current stopped circulating through his flesh. He opened up his eyes to stare at nothingness. There was pitch darkness all around him but he could make out Miller standing where he was before.
"Master we are free!" Miller announced.
"You have failed me Miller!" a loud voice came from above them. Howard examined the room. No other being could be seen besides Miller.
"But...but I did as you told me to." Miller said.
Howard couldn't figure out who the madman was talking to.
"The goal of this game was that I could tell god that a pious soul could be corrupted through offering him three wishes." The voice was heard from above again as if being played through loudspeakers. "But this man's third wish was to save a family member! He was not corrupted."
Miller glanced angrily at Howard. Before Howard could make out the madman approaching him, Miller was on top of the dentist, choking him to death with both hands. Howard headbutted Miller which sent him flying backwards onto the floor.
The straps on Howard's limbs were automatically taken off. Howard got up and punched the crouched Miller right on the nose. Miller laid on the ground holding his bleeding nose.
"My powers!" Miller exclaimed with wide-open eyes." Where have they gone?" "I have taken them back, Miller." The loud, hoarse voice said.
Miller got up and screamed at the ceiling. "You can't do this! You hear me!" "Oh, but I can!"
Suddenly, Miller's whole body began shaking all over as if was he being electrocuted. He fell down and started rolling on the floor as if trying to fight off fire.
Howard stared at the ceiling. "Who are you!?"
"Shouldn't you say who the hell I am?" the voice replied sarcastically. "I am Lucifer. The Prince of all Devils!"
Howard felt as if the ground below his feet had started shaking. An invisible force pushed him from behind and he flew face-first at the electric chair-and passed out after his head hit the metal seat.
Howard opened his eyes slowly. His sight was out of focus so he couldn't recognize the people standing in front of him.
"I repeat myself, Mr. Clayton. " An elderly voice said. "Do you have any last words?"
Howard knew that voice. His vision finally came back to him. The priest, Samuel and the warden stood across from him. He was back to where it all began.
"Mr. Clayton?" the priest continued.
"Tell him Howard." A voice said but it didn't come from the three standing figures. "Who said that?" Howard stared at them.
A horrid face appeared at the priest's side. It was Miller in his demonic form! "What in the hell?" the warden was flabbergasted.
"Get him away from me!" Howard tried his best to get out of the chair.
Samuel and the warden gazed confusingly at Father Matthew who himself gave them a perplexed look. Howard realized that he was the only person who could see and hear Miller.
"Pull the lever, Samuel." The warden instructed his employee. The prison-guard nodded and went over to the switch.
"You'll be gone forever now, Howard." Miller said walking over to him. "But there will still be souls to demolish. And I will eventually be set free."
"Wait!" Howard shouted and Samuel froze his hand on the lever. "I do have some last words to say."
Samuel glanced at the warden who raised a hand.
"Any sad son of a bitch who goes to hell." Howard glanced at Samuel and the warden and then at the priest. "Will never get out of there."
Howard closed his eyes. Miller grabbed him by the cheeks forcing his eyes open. "We'll see about that. Howard!" Miller screamed into the dentist's ear.
The warden motioned for Samuel to pull the lever. The guard nodded and followed through with the order.


Enjoyed it? Then head on over to Amazon and purchase my 5-story horror-thriller collection: SHOCK THERAPY AND OTHER STORIES which also contains the sequel, SHOCK THERAPY 2.

Purchase the Kindle Edition for only $2.99 here: NOTE: This story is a part of my newly self-published horror collection, SHOCK THERAPY AND OTHER STORIES which also contains the sequel, SHOCK THERAPY 2.

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