Chapter 3

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We signed the papers and went on our way to the Ruin. Jessie hired some local citizens to bang some drums to distract the zombies as we go through the gate.

This is my first time out of the city. Never realized till now how much safer I felt behind the fence.

There's nothing between me and the zombies, except my sister. A damn coward who runs at the first sign of trouble.

If I survive this job it'll be a fucking miracle.


We've been walking for hours now, and still no zombies. Bounty hunters like Tamina and Naomi cleared out a bunch of zombies near Lakeview.

But out here...

Jessie sensing my anxiety said, "Relax little sis, if there was something to be nervous about, I'd tell you."

"Are you seriously telling me to relax in a zombie infested wasteland?" I said.

"Staying alert is good, stressing out and being paranoid is not." Jessie responded

"Hey look, maybe that'll lighten you up." Jessie said, pointing at a tree.

"Is that a pear tree?" I asked
"Sure is." She responded.

She grabbed 2 pears, and tossed one to me.

"Better enjoy it while we can."


We sat down, leaning against a tree while we ate our pears.

"Why doesn't anyone come out here to farm this stuff?" I asked.

"You know how people are in town, scared of everything." Jessie said.

"Well the zombies are scary." I said.

"Its not just the zombies, no one trusts ANYTHING out here. They've convinced themselves it's all 'diseased'. Livestock, fruit... everything." Jessie said.

"So... it's not true?" I asked.

"You ate that pear without a thought." She said.

"Cause you gave it to me." I said.

"Oh, so you trust me now." Jessie said with a smirk.

"You're a dork but I doubt you want me to turn into a zombie." I said, tossing the core.

"Hmm.. well, our house would be a lot cleaner if you weren't around." Jessie chuckled

"Har har, very funny. I think I might piss my pants." I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of, we should take a piss before we go, zombie territory ahead and its better not to stop." Jessie said.

I started to walk away to find a bush to pee in.

"Where are you going?" Jessie asked.

"You gonna hold my hand while I piss or something?" I said.

"Um, no." She said.
"Glad to hear it."

"Here, put some more of this on before you do your business. It's been a few hours." Jessie said, tossing me a bottle of cadaverine.

"Ugh, this shit makes me gag. Does it really stop zombies?" I asked.

"No, but it sometimes drives them away. They're not attracted to the smell of rotten flesh." Jessie responded.

"Neither am I." I retorted.

"Well it's better to smell like one than be one." She said.

I poured some in my hair. If i use more of this I'm going to vomit.

I smell like something died already.

There's a good spot to do my business.

You know, it's kinda peaceful out here actually.

Arianna didn't notice, the 4 zombies, creeping behind her...

A/N: forgot about this book for awhile because of school. But im out for the summer now so I'll update more frequently.

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