Chapter 11

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"I ran. And I ran. And ran some more. I ran for days. I slept in barns and ditches. Occasionally I would hear distant gunfire. One morning I heard voices. It was a large group consisting of cops, soldiers and armed civilians."

"They nearly shot me on sight. But after I spoke, they realized I wasn't a zombie. I told them about Io, Britt, and the baby. They had a map but it was fucking useless. I'd been running for days and had lost my bearings. But I BEGGED them to try to find the small cottage, and a small group did. They never came back." Ms Bevis sighed.

"After a week of running and fighting, we found a reservoir with a high chain-link fence, and a mountain behind it. Most importantly, it was defensible. And it became a rallying point for survivors."

"You mean here? Is that how Lakeview started?" Arianna asked.

"Yep. I helped reinforce the fence, dig earthworks, and build shelters. We worked as hard as we could, everyday. Other than a few trips to the Ruin with your sister, I never left this town. Don't think I ever will." Ms Bevis said.

"What about Britt and the baby? What about Io?" Arianna asked rapidly.

"Well kid, that's where my part of the story ends and your sister's began. You'll have to get the rest from her." Ms Bevis said.

"But—" "No buts. That's Jessie's tale to tell. What I WILL say however, is that the Lost Girl is no myth. And as far as I know, she is very much alive."


"Thanks for telling me all this, most people never want to talk about First Night." Arianna said gratefully.

"No problem. But you never told me. What's the Lost Girl to you?" Ms Bevis asked.

"I don't know. When I saw her trading card. Your illustration.. something about her. It's hard to put into words." Arianna said truthfully.

"I get it kid. She has that effect on people." Ms Bevis said.

"I hope you find her."

"I will." Arianna smiled.

"Well well, what do we have here." A rough voice said.

It was Tamina, trailed by Naomi.

"Shit." Arianna thought. "Sarona must have told her mom Tamina about me getting that Lost Girl card. I used to worship these ladies, but.. I don't know. After all I've heard."

"It's just a card Snuka. Like the ones I did of you and Naomi. Did a couple new ones for ration bucks, no big deal." Ms Bevis said, hoping they'd drop it.

"Nothing special, she says." Naomi said slyly.

"Well, hell. Then you won't mind us taking a look then?" Tamina said.

"Lemme see that-" "No!" Arianna yanked the card out of Tamina's reach.

Tamina glared at Arianna.

"Welp. Im dead." She thought.

"Kid. I think you've made a mistake. You've got one second to make it right, then we can be friends again." Tamina said coldly.

"I said. Hand it over. And you'd better smile and say ma'am too." Tamina glared again.

Arianna returned the glare.

Naomi gripped Ms Bevis' shoulder. "I'd tell your young friend to do what she's told." She said.

"Go ahead Arianna. Give her the card." Ms Bevis said shakily.

"I'm not gonna ask again." Tamina said.

"Whoops." Arianna said, letting the card fall to the ground.

"You little bit-" "Hey there ladies." A familiar voice said.

It was Jessie.

"What are we up to today." She said.

"Just having a talk, Jessie. It aint nothing." Naomi said.

"Happy to hear it... Trinity." Jessie smirked.

"Oh my God. I heard Naomi killed her mother with a hammer for giving her that name." Arianna thought.

Jessie bent down to pick up the card.

"Everything ok, Ari? Saraya?" Jessie asked.

"Just a friendly chat. Passing the time of day." Ms Bevis said dryly.

"See they put the Lost Girl on a zombie card. How about that?"

"It ain't none of your damn business, Jessie." Tamina grunted.

"Interesting. I seem to recall you telling everyone she was a myth. Or was it that she died about 10 or so years ago?" Jessie said calmly.

"You and Trinity wouldn't happen to be looking for her?"

"Can't look for someone who's dead." Naomi said.

"Seems to me we do it all the time. I remember the last time you looked for her. It was right after what happened in the mountains."

Jessie took a step towards Tamina, until they were practically chest to chest.

"It made me wonder, and still does, if the Lost Girl had seen something she wasn't supposed to, or someplace she shouldn't have."

" Nobody else in town would even think of talking to Tamina and Naomi like that. Jessie's either braver or stupider than I thought."

"You afraid if people see her on a trading card, they'll know she exists? Maybe even look for her? Bring her to town? Ask her about her sister? Or maybe  Wargames?" Jessie continued her interrogation.

"The fuck is Wargames?"

"Wargames burned down. Nothing but ashes now." Tamina said.

"True. Unless someone rebuilt it in a different location. Maybe somewhere secret." Jessie hardened her stare.

"Somewhere a wandering girl in the mountains might, stumble upon it?" Jessie said.

Tamina took a step toward Jessie.

"Go ahead Jess. Make another accusation, and you and I are going to have a serious talk." Tamina said coldly.

"We ARE having a serious talk. And I haven't made one accusation. Just speculating, that's all." Jessie said innocently.

"Im just wondering why a busy bounty hunter like yourself would be afraid of a silly drawing on a card."

Tamina jabbed her finger into Jessie's chest

"Don't mess with me Jessie. You got lucky once. You won't get lucky again."

Jessie looked down at Tamina's finger.

"Remove it before I remove it from your hand." Jessie said quietly.

Tamina kept it there for a second, before removing it and stepping back.

"C'mon Ari. You were late home. We're supposed to be training." Jessie said.

"Training!? Pftt! Don't tell me your teaching this little sprout to hunt." Naomi laughed.

"Yeah, she looks a little soft to me." Tamina chuckled.

"You looked pretty soft a second ago when Jessie bitched you." Arianna said snarkily.

Tamina stopped laughing, Jessie struggled to hold her's in.

"Ari's already been to the Ruin, Tamina. She did just fine." Jessie said after composing herself.

"We're going to find the Lost Girl and bring her back to town. And there's nothing you can do about it." Arianna said.

Tamina glowered.

"Time for us to get goin' ladies." Jessie said, steering Arianna away.

"Hey Jessie. Tell the pup to be careful out there. Everything wants to kill you." Tamina said, staring directly at Jessie.

"That's true Tamina. Everything wants to kill you." Jessie stared directly at Tamina.

This was far from over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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