Savannah and Malachai are twins, they are 13 years old, they get adopted by Griffin Johnson but they dont really want to be adopted or have a family because of their past, they were abused and raped by their parents but their parents are now dead. H...
I was woken up today by Griffin shaking me with all the boys stood in the room just staring at me, they were really weird and I already hated it here.
S - What???
G - wake up, It's 2pm
S - ogey and?
G - Come on It's not healthy to seep in this late
S - does it look like I give a fuck
G - I'm not having this attitude, get up now
S - hah no
I pulled the covers over my head and I heard Griffin sigh, he ripped the covers of my head and gave me a death stared thinking it would scare me but I made me laugh
S - hahaa, Is that your resting bitch face
Kai - Come on Savvy, wake up I need to talk to you
S - then talk to me
Kai - no in private it's about (whispers) how were gonna get our of here.
S - Ok , I'm up
G - what were you two just talking about
S - non of your concern
G - uhmm okay, anyways get up and come downstairs
S - ugh ok
I got out of bed and they were all still standing their
S - yall are weird, do you speak or do you just stand there?
No - no, we speak
S - It's called sarcasm love, Now get out so I can change
They all left but their was this one boy who caught my eye, he was called Bryce, like holy fuck he was another level of attractive. NO SAVANNAH STOP YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, I cant I have a boyfriend that I love very much and I dont wanna ruin our relationship.
I got changed and did my hair and make-up
I wore this
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I put one of Kai's oversized Jackets on and curled my hair, I did light make-up and went down. I saw everyone sitting at the Island so I walked over and took a seat, Bryce was staring at me.