Savannah and Malachai are twins, they are 13 years old, they get adopted by Griffin Johnson but they dont really want to be adopted or have a family because of their past, they were abused and raped by their parents but their parents are now dead. H...
Savannahs pov: I woke up to someone screaming angrily in my face, i shot up and rubbed my eyes my eyes sight was blurry at first but them they adjusted to reveal the blurry silhouette towering over me, it was . . .
I sat their in shock
S - whats wrong? Lo - Im gone for a day and your already cheating on me S - woah what, im not cheating on you Lo - oh really cause ur totally noy laying in bed with another boy S - BRYCE IS MY FRIEND AND WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING Lo - I DONT BELIEVE YOU, YOUR A CHEATING WHORE S - FUCK YOU, YOU KNOW NOTHING
Suddenly, Bryce shot up and rubbed his eyes and everyone burst through the door
G - WHATS GOING ON HERE Lo - SAVANNAHS CHEATING ON ME S - NO TF IM NOT G - okay everyone stop shouting, Savvy explain S - Louie thinks im cheating on him just beacuse i slept next to Bryce G - okay Savannah not cheating on you Lo - YES SHE IS SHE IS A LYING SLAG AND WHO CARES ANYWAYS I SLEPT WITH CHARLOTTE ANYWAYS
I burst into tears and the boys looked so mad
S - GET UR ASS OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND GET AWAY DONT COME BACK FOR SHIT AND STAY AWAY FROM KAI Lo -but hes my best friend S - IDGAF NOW GET TF OUT OF MY HOUSE I then got out of bed and slapped him as hard as i could, he gasped and ran out of the house I dropped on the floor and felt Anthony pick me up and place me in his lap, he rubbed my back and gently kissed my shoulder (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY ANTHONY IS HER UNCLE) I calmed down abit and removed my head from Anthonys lap to reveal everyone staring at me, they shot me little smiles and looked at me with sorrowful eyes. Then they all gave me hugs and then they left. I had just had a break up but whatever i didnt need Louie.
I decided not to sulk about it so i put a smile on my face and went in the shower, i started singing and to be honest i felt amazing i finally got showered up and got out of the shower. I picked some clothes out and put them on, then i did my hair and make up and admired myself in the mirror This is what i looked like Outfit:
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I was feeling pretty confident today Makeup :
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I looked in the mirror and smiled, i took a deal breath and walked downstairs, as i walked down everyone stared at me with shocked faces, i ignored them and sat on the island La - wow bitch glowed up already K - nah her break up glow up coming soon but imma be shocked when it does cone because how can someone get even more prettier S - awe you guys are so sweet but im lowkey kinda hungry They laughed and we had pancakes for breakfast
A/N: HEY YALL im sorry for the short chapter and for not updating, ive been really busy but here i am Also yall free Palestine 🇵🇸