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they were hugging on Elton "we dont want any entities near me" Elton laughs they all hugged him and started walking "come on y/n you know you want in on this" Corbin says. I laugh at how stupid they are.

we walk over to the bench where a lady sat. "hello Linda" Elton says to the lady. "hi" she says "how are you guys" she says as we get closer. "scared" I whisper. I think Brandon heard me because he looked at me.

"so if im correct you've never been here before?" Elton ask she shakes her head "nope never" "is that by choice" I ask "yes. yes!" she says "well fuck you Elton" I laugh "im scared of this place. I was scared on the way here and im scared" she says. I give Elton a death glare and he laughs at me.


"you did what?" I ask "I smeared my blood on the ouija board" he repeats. "your fucking stupid." I say Corbin laughs at me "I live in the same house as him" I tell the lady "I hope you have nothing attached to you" she says.


we try to find the way under the bridge I walk beside Corey

"the bridge is right there are we supposed to be going away from it?" Linda ask. "Elton works in mysterious ways" Corbin says. "I personally like staying away from the bridge" Brandon says. "I agree with Brandon on this one" I say and walk over and stand beside him. he puts his arm around my shoulders and he leans all his weight on me "Brandon I cant hold both of us up!" I laugh he stands up and stand there with my arms crossed. "I think we went the wrong way" Corey says "so were lost?" I ask "what are we doing" Corey yells at Elton who's far in the distance. "I cant figure out how to get over there" Elton yells back

Corey walks off "this is how scary movies happen everyone splits up and thats when bad stuff happens" Brandon says I look at him and laugh "we got Corey going one way. Elton going the other way and me and y/n are just here" he says. Corbin looks at him like hes offended "excuse me im standing right here" he laughs


we follow Elton to where were supposed to be sitting down.

we walk through some trees "you know the main tale of this place is about the woman who threw her baby off the bridge and it landed in a tree and lived. "what?" Linda asked "she threw her baby?" I question. "yea you didnt know about that story" Corbin asked I hit him "no asshole! I didnt. you guys dragged me here with no information" I laugh

"theres a rope handing from the tree" Corey says looking up. I look up to see what he was talking about. chills went Down my body Elton reaches up and grabs it pulling on it. "I probably should grab things like that" he says. "yea I dont think thats very smart" I say as we continue walking

"sad" Linda says as she reads the thing in her hand. "are you serious" Corbin ask. "it says sad" I say.

"I want to set up a infrared camera it works with body temperature like you and I" Linda says. "you want to hold this" she ask trying to Hand the device to me I shake my head no. Corey laughs at me. she lays the device on the ground "its going crazy now. page. removed, divided" she says looking at it. "wow" corbin says.

she pulls out the infared device "it almost looks like a group of people" she says. I look into the device "it could be where most people have landed" Corbin says. "why would you say that" i look at him "I saw a group of 6 people in all black and we had to of run in to them for them to leave because theres no other way" Elton says. "so that group of people could possible not have been human" Linda says. i get a cold chill and shiver "you ok" Corbin ask. I just nod. Elton looks at me "I have chills" I say. " I do to" Linda and Corey both say

Elton set's up the second camera

"slain finger" I read. we were silent for a minute while Linda started setting up stuff "ohhh" Corey says. "what"corbin ask. "yea yea. it was right here" Elton says "what" I ask confused. "we were right here when I sliced my finger open and smeared blood on the Board" "you were right here?" Linda ask Elton nods "100 percent it might not have been my finger it might've been my thumb but it was right here" he says as hes sitting on this big concrete piece. I was standing in between Corey and Corbin. "and you never mentioned that before" Linda said. "never" he said. I look at Elton and he looks at me "you having fun y/n" he laughs. "great time" I say sarcastically. "so let me get this right. you set up a ouija board sliced your finger and smeared it on the Board" she ask. he nods. "thats wild" Elton says

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