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I wake up on the couch alone I look down on the floor and see Brandon. "Brandon" I whisper he lifts his head up "hmm?" "why are you on the floor?" "because you took the whole couch" he laughs getting up off the floor. I sit up so he can sit on the couch with me.

elton walks in "get away from my sister" he says sleepily I laugh as he walks into the kitchen. Brandon lays his head on my shoulder

Elton comes back with a drink in his hand. he scoots in between us and sits down

Corbin and corey walk there way in "you all stayed last night and I didnt even realize it?" I say

"yea you came straight in and went to bed" Corbin says. "sorry" I say

"get your ass off of me" I say getting up off the couch. Elton was basically sitting on me. "were going to a abandon mall tonight. you in?" I turn around and look at Elton. "fuck no. I remember you saying you had a gun pointed at you last time so im out. also I dont want to climb shit and you said one video Elton. one!" I say walking out and into the bathroom I turn the water on and get in the shower the hot water hits my back. I think about last night

"it was fun and scary at the same time like a adrenaline rush I would do it not going to admit that to Elton though. I mean what are people going to think of me? why did brandon act that way towards me..." I thought to myself. I wash my hair and my body with my coconut body wash. I get out and wrap a towel around me. I open the bathroom door and run straight across to my room I close the door behind me. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I brush my hair and leave it down wet.

I walk out of my bedroom and grab my keys to my car "where you going y/n?" corbin ask "I dont know I want to go drive around" I say "we might be gone when you get back do you have a key to get back in the house?" Elton ask. I nod "bye boys" I say "bye y/n" corey says. "bye y/n be careful" Brandon says. Corbin waves I shut the door behind me.

I get in my car and turn on some music. I roll down the windows turning the music up loud. I start on my journey to the beach

I enjoy my drive and think about life. this is one of my favorite things to do.

I get to the beach and park. I walk on the sand and make my way to the ocean with my shoes in my hand. I put my towel on the sands and sit down watching the waves crash down.

"what did I get myself into? I hate scary movies and anything scary but yet I felt safe with Brandon. Elton would never allow Brandon and i...I would love to go to another place but I dont know how the viewers felt about me. am I going to get hate?" I thought to myself.

I pulled my shirt and shorts off and im left in my bathing suit. I walk into the ocean and begin to enjoy the rest of my day.

I sit back on the sand and watch as the sun goes down.

I walk back to my car and get in. I take the top off my jeep and get in the car I roll the windows down and turn the music up

I text elton

y/n- hey im on the way home now. please be safe and dont do anything stupid.

no response.

I text Brandon

y/n- hey, be safe and dont get arrested and dont let Elton be possessed or you or corey or corbin!

no response.

I make my journey home stopping at chick fil a on the way.

I unlock the door and go in. I shut it behind me and lock it. I really hate being left home alone. I go to my room with my chick fil a in hand I lay on my bed turning Netflix on. I enjoy my food as I watch my favorite show.


I take my trash to the kitchen and wash the dishes that the boys left in the sink I hear footsteps in the hall I jerk my head around to see who.

no one was there. I finish the dishes and clean the kitchen. I clean the living room. I walk into Eltons mess of a room. I walk in and start to clean it I hear a noise from the kitchen I walk out of Eltons room "hello?" I yell no response. I walk back into Eltons room and clean it. I go clean my room and then the 2 extra bedrooms and eventually the whole house is clean.

I feel dirty now. I check the Time, midnight. I grab some clothes and take a shower real quick. I turn on the water and get in beginning to bathe. I hear a glass shatter. I look out the shower curtain. I finish my shower and put clothes on quickly I brush my hair and unlock the bathroom door. I peek my head out and see no one. I walk into the kitchen and see a broken glass cup on the ground that I just washed.

I grab the broom and begin sweeping it up. I hear the door unlock. I throw the glass away in the trash the door opens "thank god your home" I say corey looks at me "your dumbass of a brother called the cops on corey and Brandon" Corbin says. Elton just laughed. "you ok y/n? your face is pale and it looks like you've seen a ghost" Elton ask. "so I was cleaning the house and I heard footsteps well when I went to clean Eltons room I heard something again. still no one. well I went to take a quick shower and normally I dont do that because I hate being home alone but I felt gross after going to the beach and then cleaning and when I was in the shower I heard glass. I came to check just now and a cup I had just washed was shattered on the floor" I say in fear

they didnt speak they just looked at me concerned. Corbin comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. he squeezes me tight "how was your guys night? what time is it?" I ask as Corbin lets go. "other than Elton calling the cops and us not being able to find the way out it was pretty good" corey says. "its 2am" Elton says after checking his phone

"so where are you guys going to next?" I ask. "Boston we leave in 2 days" he says. "what did you do today" Brandon ask. "just went for a drive. chilled on the beach and then watched the sunset. got chick fil a watched Netflix and then I started cleaning and all of that happened" I say.

"wait you cleaned the house" Elton says I nod "see thats why I love having you back" Elton says. "to clean your house?" I say looking at him sadly. "no im glad your back because I love you and missed you and your never leaving again. the cleanings just a bonus" Elton laughs.

"you guys staying again since its so late?" I ask. they look at Elton he nods "yea" corbin says and jumps on the couch. "you finished editing the video"I ask Elton. "no I got to edit it a little bit more and then im going to post it" he takes his things to his room and comes back with his laptop. we all sit on the couch and watch tv for a while. eventually Corbin gets up and leaves the room. next Elton does and then corey.

leaving me and Brandon... I lean my head on his shoulder. he checks the time "its 6am y/n" he says sleepily. "I know" I say sleepily aswell. my eyes get heavy


I was being lifted off the couch and carried. I was layed down on my bed. he covered me up. I opened my eyes slightly as he was walking out "Brandon" I say sleepily. he stops and looks at me. "yea y/n?" he whispers. "stay with me?" I ask he comes back to my bed getting in the bed but he lays on top of the covers. he lays on his back and stares at the ceiling. I notice him doing this.

"you can get under the covers" I say softly. he turns his head towards me. he gets up and pulls the covers back getting under them. he lays on his side facing me "y/n your brother is going to kill me" "no he wont Brandon" he scoots closer and wraps his arms around me and pulls me. closer to him. my head in his chest he kisses my forehead "goodnight y/n" he whispers. "goodnight Brandon" I whisper back before falling asleep

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