Movie night

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Liam: okay as fun as this pool party is I also feel awkward

Stiles: is it because you won't admit you like Theo who won't stop staring at you?

Isaac: or is it because you tripped and fell into the pool and pulled Theo with you?

Liam: I hate you both

Scott: we are all literally right next to each other

Cora: so?

Lydia: Stiles take off your damn shirt and get into the pool

Lydia: this is a pool party

Allison: even Derek is in the pool

Kira: even though it's just him sitting on the edge

Scott: hang on

Isaac: ?

Malia: this will be fun

Cora: oh my god

Liam: did Scott just pick up Stiles bridal style and jump into the pool?

Allison: Isaac is wheezing right now

Lydia: honestly this doesn't surprise me

Kira: ^

Malia: when Scott came over to visit he did this at the beach

Liam: I think Jackson and Theo might need to go to the hospital if they don't start breathing soon

Stiles: okay first of all

Stiles: fuck each and every one of you

Stiles: second of all Scott you cannot just pick me up and bring me over to do whatever it is that I don't want to do

Scott: as your best friend it is my job to make sure you have fun and don't let certain things stop you from doing so



Cora: this is sickeningly adorable

Isaac: I love how it's only Kira and Scott that are hugging stiles

Allison: alright no more texting I think the others are getting suspicious and I don't want them to invade our chat

Lydia: oh and Cora?

Lydia: I approve of that outfit very much

Private chat with Cora and Derek

Derek: are you blushing?

Cora: no

Cora: shut up

Pool Party Is A Go

Isaac: wow

Isaac: Stiles is actually a good swimmer

Allison: I'm just realizing that this is like one of the only times I've seen Stiles shirtless

Malia: I've seen him shirtless

Malia: many times

Malia: someone spilled a smoothie on him and he had to walk around with a shirt off for two hours

Stiles: only because you said we should walk instead of drive

Liam: you know I expected a sexual thing but this doesn't surprise me

Teen Wolf group chat but it's gayWhere stories live. Discover now