Scott has created a group chat

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Scott has created a group chat

Scott has added Stiles
Scott has added Allison
Scott has added Lydia
Scott has added Liam
Scott has added Isaac
Scott has added Derek
Scott has added Cora
Scott has added Malia
Scott has added Kira

Scott: What's up everyone?

Allison: What is this?

Lydia: ^

Liam: ^

Isaac: ^

Malia: what is ^?

Kira: Scott?

Stiles: I'll tell you later Mal

Scott: if u all would giVE ME A MOMENT TO SPEAK

Cora: just hurry up

Scott: this is a group chat I made for all of us since we don't see each other every day anymore

Derek: why am I here?

Scott: come on this can be fun!

Lydia: as long as we keep it with just all of us for now. It'll be harder to keep track and actually talk if we put everyone in one group chat.

Allison: ^

Stiles: brb

Liam: kinda surprised that it's Scott who made this and not Stiles

Isaac: ikr??

Cora: whatever I have shit to do

Kira: talk to u all later!

Scott: bye!

Derek: don't bother me

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