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As Severus talk to Albus neither man took notice as the small child went on her own. She had slipped by them without a sound and made her ways through the halls looking around still in astonishment that she got to live here for the school year. Walking around the castle made her feel small as it was huge, it was inevitable that she was going to get lost. Y/n had made it to the changing stairs, not knowing that's what they did, so when they moved she hadn't any idea where to go. As the stairs continued moving a pit formed in her stomach as she regretted leaving Severus' side, she took a seat on the steps and began sniffling as tears welled up in her eyes. Students passed casting a gaze her way but in case they would get in trouble by the brutal potions professor they didn't talk to her.

William Weasley, a first-year, ad come across the young child who had wrapped herself in a ball on the stairs and looked around. He knew she was Severus' daughter and the thought scared him but he couldn't just leave her here. He took a deep breath walking up the stairs as they moved once more and crouched down on the steps.

" Hey," He said softly making Y/n look at him. She hugged her knees closer to her chest burying her face back into her arms. " Where's your dad?" He asked in hopes of returning her to the grouchy potions professor. She didn't answer. He took a deep breath as he sat down with her hoping after a while she'd get used to him.

More students passed giving the pair weird looks as William sat with the young girl. He didn't mind though as long as he could help her feel safe in this giant castle, he remembered the first few weeks of being at Hogwarts and how scared he was, how many times he got lost. As he sat there looking ahead as the stairs changed and moved he began wondering if this was a stupid idea, but when she began speaking he concluded it wasn't.

" I don't know where I am," She said quietly. Her voice was muffled by her arms as she still had her head in her arms. William looked to her a soft smile on his lips.

" Where do you want to go? I could help you," He offered and she nodded her head still in her arms. He waited for her to tell him where she wanted to go but she never said. " Um, where do you and your dad stay? I'd presume the dungeons right?" She gave another small nod. " is that where you want to go?" He hoped he wasn't scaring her more than she obviously already was.

" I wanna go home," She said her sniffling becoming the sounds of her sobs. He cringed before touching he shoulder gently. He didn't know what to do, his mother usually hugged him and his siblings when they were crying but he didn't know if that would be weird or not. " I want my dad." She sniffled again and he cringed. He moved to the step she was on and slowly moved his arm to give her a side hug. He felt very awkward while doing so but he hoped it made her feel better.

She unravelled herself from around her self and hugged his midsection still sniffling and tears streaming from her eyes. " I could carry you to your dad's office," William told her as he looked down at her. She nodded and took her arms away from him and he slowly and carefully picked her up. He carefully shifted her so he was resting on his right hip, just like he did with his younger siblings.

" How old are you?" He asked as they made their way off the changing stairs. He wanted to make her feel comfortable as they made their way to the dungeons.

" I'm four," she answered in a small voice. She let out hiccups as she laid her head on his shoulder. He smiled thinking of his twin brothers.

" I have two brothers the same age." He wanted to distract her from the thoughts of being lost and this was a fun topic seeing as his brothers always caused havoc around the house.

" How many do you have?" She asked.

" I have five brothers and one sister," He told her. She asked more questions about his family and he happily told her about them. He told her that his father worked for the ministry of magic, in the muggle department, she asked more questions about that.

By the time they made it to Professor Snape's office she was smiling although her eyes were still slightly red and she was still hiccupping. William knocked on the door and when there was no answer he bit the inside of his cheek not knowing what to do, did he just walk in? Should he just sit outside the door and get more weird looks while waiting for the professor? Luckily he didn't have much time to think about that as a voice sounded throughout the halls.

"Thank Merlin," Severus said in his usual monotone but slightly higher with relief as he saw the red-headed Gryffindor holding onto his daughter. William let her down and she took off running towards her father. Severus bent down picking her up and hugging her tightly. " Where in Merlin's beard were you?!" He asked, the panic evident in his voice. Y/n looked back to William not remembering where he said they were. He cleared his throat feeling intimidated under the professor's stare.

" She was on the changing stairs sir," He answered. Severus nodded looking at his daughter ad shaking his head.

" Don't ever do that again," He told her and she nodded furiously, that was terrifying for her she wouldn't want it to happen again. He looked back to the young Gryffindor thankful for what he did. " 30 points to Gryffindor, thank you." William let out a smile and nodded.

" Bye," Y/n said as she and Severus went into his office and their home for the school year. He waved bye smiling as he let out a breath he had been holding during that interaction.


Two years later Y/n sat at the Gryffindor table with two Weasley boys beside her. William, or Bill as everyone now called him, was on her left while Charlie was on her right. He had just gotten sorted being a first year. Ever since that day on the stairwell Y/n was like William's little sister while he was at Hogwarts. He helped her go place to place when he could and would even take her to Hogsmeade trips if he wasn't busy. William seemed to be the only Gryffindor Serverues showed anything other than hatred towards.

Charlie soon became close to the young girl as well, nowhere near as close as her and William but a close second. Charlie and William were both very protective over her and when the halls began to get crowded they would make sure to keep her close to their sides or in between them. In return, Y/n had made them drawings and tried, but ultimately failed, to get them better marks on assignments.

In the four years, Y/n had been going to Hogwarts she had begun an alliance with the devious poltergeist, Peeves. She had nothing better to do, so why not have some fun in the meantime? They'd prank students and teachers ranging from harmless pranks to Peeves almost causing teachers to cancel their lessons out of frustration. Then Percy came.

When the third of the Weasely children came, two years after Charlie, the dynamic had shifted between her and the other older Weasely brothers. Percy always criticized what she did, why she shouldn't do the things she did, how she shouldn't draw because of her mistakes. Charlie and William always got mad at him for the things Percy would say to her and tried keeping her away from the young boy. It worked until it didn't.

Y/n sat beside William and chatted ideally as Percy joined them and Y/n remembered she had drawn him something during her father's class. She knew he never liked them but maybe, just maybe if she kept giving him things and tried being nice he would warm up to her. After all, she had yet someone dislike her once they started talking other, she didn't want that streak to be ruined; especially by a Weasley, the ones who are supposed to be the closest to her.

" Percy I made you another drawing," She said quietly handing him the folded paper. He rolled his eyes unfolding the paper and looking over its contents, it was a drawing of the school library, albeit it was done quite poorly, it had a little note written at the bottom corner in messy handwriting. This way you can always have a piece of the castle you love most at all times.

Percy bit back the smile he had and instead grabbed the top of the paper and ripped it in two. Y/n gasped putting her hand over her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. William glared at his younger brother as he brought Y/n into a side hug.

" What is your problem?" William demanded of his brother. Percy didn't answer as he got up shoving the two pieces of paper in his pockets and rushing back to the dormitories. William soothed the distraught Y/n and in the following weeks both William and Charlie ignored their younger brother. None of them knew that when Percy got back to his room he tapped the two pieces together again and he kept it in his pockets almost every day, or he used it as a bookmark. 

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