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I woke up to my blankets being ripped from my body and my fathers yelling. I groaned trying to pull the covers back up but they were once again pulled away. I glared at the space expecting to see my father but there was an empty space, sometimes I really hate magic. Once the thought of magic came into my mind I jumped up remembering what we were doing today. We were going to Diagon Alley! I was going to Hogwarts in a few weeks!

" Get dressed we're running behind!" My father yelled and I did as told. I rushed around getting my clothes and getting dressed in record time, I put my hair in a messy bun not wanting to do anything special. I ran down the stairs skipping the last few ones and running into the kitchen where the smell of food was coming from expecting to see my father. My shoulders slumped once I noticed he wasn't there.

" Come on grab a plate and get food so we can leave." I jumped at the unexpected voice behind me seeing he was fixing his tie. He gave me a coy smirk as he pushed me to the island. I laughed pushing him back as we sat at the Island after I got us both plates. Food was dished out to the both of us and we ate in hurried silence so we could leave. " Remind me again why we had to leave today of all days?" I just smirked at my father's question. Bill and Charlie had sent me owls saying that I should try and see them before the start of the year and since Severus wouldn't let me go to their home we planned to meet at Diagon Alley.

" It's a surprise," I told him as I dragged him off the stool at the island. He shook his head before holding out his arm so I could hold on while he apparated us.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them once again I was met with the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. I looked around with a smile as Severus smiled back. This place was amazing, people walking by in all directions, stores lining the busy streets. I couldn't wait to go around buying things for my school year, not anything for my father's work but for my school.

" Come on let's get this done with," Severus said pulling me from my thoughts. I smiled up at him once again before I dragged him about the streets, we had gone to get my robes first the books. He insisted that I wait until the end to get my wand so now I stood looking at the many owls trying to decide which one to get. There were so many Owls and so the noise was ridiculous. I stuck by Severus the whole time. That is until I saw a snowy owl. It was practically all white with very sparse black specks covering its body.

" Woah." I walked up to the cage and the owl tilted its head and I smiled looking at the tag before asking Severus if we could get him. He said yes and that was how I ended up with Hermes.

After walking out of the building I spotted the family I had been anticipating seeing all summer. I looked up to Severus seeing him also looking at the family with a look of realization on his features. He just looked down at me sighing and shaking his head before telling me to go ahead. I smiled and handed him the cage that held Hermes and ran to the eldest of the bunch. This seemed to surprise him at first along with the rest of the family but he soon hugged back.

" Mum this is Y/n, Professor Snape's daughter," Bill told his mum who smiled brightly at me before bringing me into a hug.

" It's so nice to finally meet you! We've heard so much about you from our boys," She said pulling back and holding onto my shoulders to get a better look at me. She smiled fondly at me before bringing me into another hug, I liked her already. Much like with the rest of the Weasley family.

" Oh! Y/n you can finally meet the twins, you'll be in the same year as them," Charlie said before motioning for two boys to step out. They looked the exact same and both had smiles on their faces as they stuck their hands out.

" Fred and George," They spoke in unison making my smile widen. I shook both of their hands before speaking.

" Y/n." That was when Severus came to my side nodding at everyone.

" So I see this is why you wanted to come so bad today?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. I just giggled looking to Charlie and Bill who just shrugged. " Molly, Arthur." he greeted the couple who nodded in return.

" I didn't know you had any kids Severus," Arthur said looking between him and me. " Until Bill wrote to us of course, then we heard all about her." He smiled.

" Don't have to share everything with everyone," Severus said in his usual monotone voice. " We should go get your wand now." He said looking back at me and I nodded.

" Bye Billy-bee," I said as I hugged him. " See you all at Hogwarts!"


We walked into the small shop named Ollivanders, I stared in awe at all the shelves that held wands that could potentially be mine. Severus took a seat on the chair in the corner as an older man with piercing blue eyes came out with a smile.

" Ah I've been expecting you," He said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. " Hold out your wand arm then." He said as he started rooting around for something in a drawer. I held out which arm I thought it'd be and a tape measure began measuring my arm, I loved magic.

" Now as you may know every wand is different, from the core to the wood it was made out of. You will not get the same results wielding a wand that is not your own." I nodded as the tape measure left and he came out with a box. "Plain walnut wand. The length is nine and one-half inches long. It has a core of gryphon heartstring. Just give it a wave." Nothing happened and he tutted before he grabbed another one.

We tried a few more before he handed me a wand that was made of yew wood, a Threstral tail hair core and was 11 inches. I held it in my hands and nothing happened at first then I stared at it in awe. It began to shine as I moved it between my hands, every groove of the wood became illuminated showing me any imperfections it had. The handle tapered towards the end which had grooves running along with the wand until the top. The end of it had a wooden circle with a ruby gemstone in the middle, it was simply gorgeous.

As we left I could've sworn he said something about Potter but then again why would he? I'd heard briefly of what horrible fate came upon the Potter family and each time it made me feel horrible for the young boy. To live with muggles who hated wizards, how horrid it must be. He was a few years younger than me and I couldn't imagine being so young and dealing with that kind of hate.

I knew not to question if I heard correctly since Severus always got angry when I asked about the family. He said he was close friends at one point with them so he didn't like speaking about it, much like the circumstances with my mother. I never pried because I hadn't had that kind of grief in my life to try and understand what he went through from losing them both. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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