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Oikawa's brown eyes lit up with curiosity as he scrolled through his Instagram feed.

"Iwa-chan! There's a meteor shower tonight!" he exclaimed while pushing his phone into the face of his best friend. Iwaizumi scowled at the brightness of the screen then shoved his hand away.

"Geez Oikawa I'm trying to eat." he gestured to his half-eaten breakfast then glanced at Oikawa's own half-finished plate. "And you should be too. You have an interview in like 10 minutes dumbass."

Oikawa rolled his eyes at his friend's annoyingly lacking responses. "That can wait. Look at this!" he said again, this time more pleadingly. Iwa sighed but took the phone nonetheless.

"A meteor shower? That's what you're getting so worked up over?"

"Are you kidding? These are super rare--" the extremely loud alarm on his phone cut him off. Oikawa groaned and dropped his phone on the table and then ran back up the stairs to his room. Iwaizumi could only laugh as he swallowed the last of his eggs and toast.

Within minutes the brown-haired boy returned with hastily thrown on clothes and his shirt collar still open. "Real great impression that's gonna make."

Oikawa mumbled a quick 'fuck you' around the blueberry muffin he had shoved in his mouth then grabbed his phone and ran out.

"Good luck!" Iwaizumi called out. "You're gonna need it."

"Don't jinx me."

───── ⋆⋅🪐⋅⋆ ─────

"He fucking jinxed me."

Oikawa cursed audibly as he idly kicked a rock down the street.

Today had been an absolute disaster. Not only had he arrived late, but he somehow managed to trip and bump into his would-be employer and ruin his shirt with coffee.

When he bought ice cream from Little Moo to cheer himself up, a kid bumped into him and it fell before he even got to taste it.

𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ➼ 𝐭.𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now