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"Hey. Are you alive?"

They were still unresponsive, and the thought occurred that they might be dead. Oikawa shook his head. That's the last thing he should be thinking of.

He put his phone down, since the odd spacecraft gave enough lumination, then tried to force open the broken part some more.

He was just barely able to move it enough for him to take a proper look at the person inside. He assumed it was a woman, based on the feminine frame and curves.

But then again they were alien.

He grunted in frustration as he tried to manoeuvre through the mass of wires and parts hanging loose to release their seatbelt and try to pull them free. He had no idea what the fuck alien parts were made from but they heavy as shit.

He was on the verge of giving up on the damn thing when he heard a low groan come from the person below him. Their helmet beeped and flickered until it lit up, turned on completely.

"Uh hi?"

Their hands shot out to two slabs of metal he was trying to pull free and tore them apart as if they were cardboard. If Oikawa wasn't already scared by then, the gun on their hip definitely did the trick.

To his surprise, they completely ignored him. Instead, they started surveying their damaged ship, the only sounds coming from them was the beeping of their helmet.

Common sense should've told him to get the fuck out of there in case they became violent and decided to end his life but all he could do was stare at them.

Finally, after about 15 minutes they turned to him and held out a hand. "Hello, earthling."

Then like the apple that clocked Issac Newton, Oikawa's common sense suddenly came back.

𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ➼ 𝐭.𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now