Chapter I NB

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I woke up to the most sweetest of voices. I smiled. I still can't believe the gift that Phiona had given my by the grace of God. Its been 12 days since Neenah's resurrection. I have since then not snorted Norcos. I'm just in all with the way my feelings are. Dad, also, still in shock. Actually that was a funny story. We got him good. Neenah and I devised a plan. Neenah would walk down to the kitchen after I sit down with dad. She come in and act like nothing ever happened. Well. Dad passed out on the spot. Scared the shit out of the two of us!! Once he came too, he was asking all kinds of questions ninety to nothing! We had to calm him down so we could explain to him what had happened for this miraculous miracle. We finally convinced him to calm enough to smoke some bud before he actually had a heart attack! All is well now. Thank goodness. Her boss just got super excited. He started crying and hugging Neenah and me a million times. So we started up his dream again. The rest of the gang is hired full time building a new, bigger and better burger and malt shop. The plans have now been updated. The psychobilly side is also horror movie decor included. The rock-a-Billy side has changed a little as well. J and Reese has so old 40s and 50s car and truck bodies to make into booths for both sides. The also found some vintage Indian and Harly bikes for displays. The building is coming together awesomely. Neenah and I are spending time with each other today. As I still had my eyes closed, I felt lips touch mine. My arms found their way around the woman of my dreams. As we held one another, our lips maintained motion in kiss after kiss like waves crashing onto the bank of a beautiful lake. Our bodies melded as on and we were mesmerized in each of our eyes. Neenah smiled abundantly.

"I love you KD."

My face took on the identical form as hers.

"I love you more Neenah."

"No. Not possible ."

"I highly believe it is possible. Remember. Anything's possible. "

Neenah smiles as she agreed with me.

"A love like ours is extremely rare. Something most people can only dream of once in a lullaby."

"You are my somewhere over a rainbow. My Wonder Wall."

"Oh my goodness I love those song! Judy Garlin if The Wizard if Oz, and Liam, and Noel Gallagher of Oasis. Damn baby you and I are in sync! How did I ever live my after life without you?"

"I kinda really had a very dark time when you were gone my love. The thing is, is I honestly cannot live without you. I turned to snorting your Norcos. Lacing it with my cannabis as well. I would always do so much that I'd hope to die. But because of Phiona, you came back and saved me. I'm dedicated to no one but you. You are my everything thing. When you breathe, laugh, sie, talk. I hear ever little thing."

Neenah smiled again. Moonpools and Catapillars. I loved that nineties band. You are on point today with the music references!"

I giggled.

"Well I give my all to you, you give you all to me."

"Ok John Legend."

We both snickered.

"I'm hungry KD."

"Well let's go finger somewhere to eat."

Ok my love"

We migrated out of bed and dressed ourselves know I wanted to look my best for my fiance. We walked down and out to Neenahs car. We stoked a few fat bowls before we took off. Neenah lit us two cigarettes. We made it to pizza Barn. They have the best pizza around. Neenah went around and opened the door for me. She even offered her hand out for leverage as I climbed out of the passenger seat. I gladly took her hand in mine and gave it a kiss. She took a little bow as a gesture of acceptance. We giggled. She took my hand in hers as she led the way. As we made it inside an aroma if pizza danced around our noses as we were seated. We ordered our drinks, and then went to the salad bar. They had every salad topping you could think of! So by now, you already know me. I piled my bowl full with salad and everything they had to offer for it with thousand island's dressing. We made our way back to our booth and set. I smashed my bowl of salad so hard, the salads family died!! Neenah and I set there with each other. Having conversation. We went back. This time for the pizza. I piled my plate full of pizza I had people staring at the amount, a small woman like me had on her plate. I had someone ask me if I was going to eat all of that. I replied with no. I'm just going to stair at it as I walked by. I heard her husband or boyfriend snicker. Then I heard a smack and an ow babe! I laughed under my breath. I sat once again and I ate every single piece on my plate. I went to the car for a minute to take a few big hits off my pipe. Then came back in and got an even larger amount. By this time I had people stair at me curious as to how much I would really eat. Once again I finished every last piece. Neenah smiled.

"You know you have a crowd watching us. Well mainly you."I can't help that I am hungry haha."

"That right baby. You go show that pizza who's boss."

She kissed me as I went and got another huge plate of pizza. Finally a manager came out.

"You have to make that your last plate. I know this is an all you can eat buffet, but we have to make a limit somewhere."

I look up at him.

"Sir. I could buy this Pizza Barn if I wanted to. And it not even touch the amount of money if have. I planned on paying extra after I was finished. As a matter of fact.

I took out $100,000 in cash and set it in the booth.

"How much do I owe?"

The manager started apologizing and I accepted it.

"I tell you what. I'll let you eat all you want today and you dont have to pay anything extra."

"Well thank you sir. You are a decent manager."

He left and I continued to eat. I finished that plate as well then went and got some desert. Once Neenah and I got to go cups I gave our drink server a $1000 dollar tip. I went to the cashier and payed for our meals and I gave extra anyways for all I ate. I looked down and realized I had food baby! Neenah and I drove back to the mansion. She grabbed me and pulled me to the bed. We lay wrapped up in each other and fell the hell asleep. It was naptime for sure.

"I hope all is well with you and your love, Neenah. Thank you for showing me the wonders of your centry. I got to witness many marvelous things. It was how you say, cool. I'll be in your sleep checking on you every once in a while. Thank you for setting me free. Everything is like its supposed to be now."

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