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Okay first of all

I happen to have a bounprem/winTeam fanart account where I make hand drawn and recently started making digital art for them too.

You can find it on insta by the same name kookie_di_Angelo.

I also have a Twitter account and ao3 account by the same name.

If you need details on my personal ig account, just hmu? We can chat over some imaginary coffee and fight over WinTeam drabbles hehe.

Also, I'm working for a manga website which will be released really soon and you all can find my art and stories there too as well as work from other really great artists. I'll mention all about it here and properly put links on my insta,so keep in touch if you wanna get updated on that. I would be reaaalllly grateful to all of you.


"he'll be staying in this apartment and working for you from now on and that's final" Win's mom said as he led him aside.

" Who even is this guy. I haven't even seen him before and letting strangers in? Is that even safe Mom?"

The stranger was cute, or so Win thought at first glance. But that does not mean he cannot be dangerous.

"It's your dad's wish Win. He's very fond of the boy. His name is Team" Win's mom whispered.

" Are you sure dad is the only reason? I know I had a break up, mom . You didn't need to get me a babysitter" Win scoffed, peeping back into the hallway to see if the new boy was eavesdropping.

"You shouldn't be speaking this way Luk-châai. I've seen loneliness do awful things to people."
his mom warned and he just shook his head in disbelief.

"So you're just hiring a guy to keep check that I don't die or something?" Win laughed, clutching his stomach. His mom was really something.

"I don't see what's funny here Win?! I wasn't the one who almost died of alcohol poisoning after their first break up"

"Mom" Win whined "please. It's embarrassing"

He was a grown ass man in his twenties, well capable of taking care of himself and an apartment on his own. But there seemed to be no convincing his parents. Well be couldn't blame all of it. He had given them reasons at some point and now those were here to bite at his back.

"Alright alright, If you're that worried I guess I'll have to-" Win relented and his mother smiled and patted his cheek .

"Team is a good boy. He is Kashi's son and we've seen him grow up. You can trust him just fine" Mrs Wanichakornjonkul explained again.

Win's eyes lit up a little at the mention of the familiar name. "You mean Aunt Kashi, the maid who used to work at the mansion back then?"

"Yes, yes! Her. Do you still remember her? She was diagnosed with stage II colon cancer few months back.
We were all so disheartened at the news. Team had to quit college and his part time job to take care of her" she said with a sad look on her face and Win felt bad to hear about the woman he had once known in his childhood.

He now also remembers seeing her little son once or twice when he came with his mom while she worked.

They never spoke much but he remembers seeing the little boy, cute as a dumpling sitting on the kitchen floor moulding a ball of dough into a weirdly shaped duck while his mother prepared the lunch for the family or sometimes just running around the backyard chasing stray cats. They never talked much since Win was always occupied with school and classes and swimming and tennis tournaments ever since he was a kid. Soon after, he left for London, on scholarship and completed middle school to university there, got a job, dated and spent pounds without worries, nearly married a girl, broke up and now he was back in Thailand , to join his dad's business.

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