288 17 5

Been soo longgg
How're ya'll 🥺🥺🥺

Dinner generally is a quiet affair.

Win frequently gets caught up in emergency meetings at the last moment which goes on till late. He makes sure he calls up Team to let him know he'll be home late so Team doens't wait up for him.

Team eats his dinner alone and waits for as long as he can, all the while watching shows in the living room television which Win has granted him access to, sometimes even munching on snacks that Win gets for him. When he realises it's pretty late already, he packs up the food and arranges them in the refrigerator so Win can heat then up directly when he's back.

The boys have gotten more closer in the last two weeks together. Team isn't one to talk much but Win makes sure he gets snacks for the younger man sometimes when he gets home. The happy look on Team's face when he does so is adorable and irresistible and Win would do anything in the world to see him smile like that everyday.

He makes sure Team is not uncomfortable and not overburdened with anything and Team is equally grateful and makes sure he can thank Win in his own ways by being faithful and dutifully doing his job.

Afterall he gets paid for it .

They rarely get time to talk since Win leaves for work early and comes home late, sometimes even after midnight. He uses his own key, so Team is not inconvenienced at that hour.

However due to repeated inconveniences, Win's office has taken pity on him and allowed him to work from the comfort of his home for the week.

Win had been caught up in a mesh of files, coffee and his laptop all day long.

When he finally gets up from his desk, it's past midnight, and he heads out to the refrigerator to look for leftovers.
The kitchen lights are still on and he thinks Team must've forgotten . But the moment he steps in , he's surprised to find the boy sitting on the floor, head sleepily dozed against one of the lower cabinets. It's summer in Thailand, so the floor might still be comforting but the weird angle his head is tilted at, is sure to give him a cramp if not completely snap it. Beside him , abandoned on the floor, is his phone, screen lit revealing a group chat with someone called Pharm and Manaow. He picks it up and places it on the kitchen counters, because it seems two steps away from being stomped on by Team.

"Team" Win crouches down and gently shakes the sleeping boy, trying to wake him up. Team slouches even more against the cabinet doors and groans sleepily that makes Win chuckle.

His features look even softer in his sleep and Win doesn't have the heart to wake him up. He looks so tired and content right now,Win feels himself go warm as he presses one of his palms against his cheeks and pats him awake.

"Team get up, why're you sleeping here"

After a few more rustles and shakes, the boy rubs his eyes and sits up, looking at Win all red and sleepy in the face. He takes a few moments to process whatever's happening and when Win looks him in the face, he just looks back unfocused.

"Did you eat?" Win asks and Team nods.

"Then go to bed. Why're you here? "

"I needed to clean up the dishes. What time is it?" He asks, as he tries to get up and sways on his feet.

"It's almost one" Win says and Team's face drops with some unexplained emotion.

"Are you sure you'll not burn it up like last time?" Team asks and Win chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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