✨ 2- reunion and stupid humans ✨

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Later that night Chloe and Delgado went on a walks and talked about my pups. I lay my head down and try not to worry too much about tomorrow. I feel Delgado walk up next to me and lay his head down on top of mine. "Goodnight mi corazón." I hear hun say as I drift to sleep.
(Cut to the next day)
We walk up to the outdoors training facility for the police dogs of Beverly Hills. I start to breath harder, and I keep thinking of all the possible outcomes this can create. "Calm yourself Mi corazón." Delgado says and rubs his face against mine. I even out my breathing. Chloe is rambling thinking this is a "top secret mission" and I just rolled my eyes and continued walking forward. We stop infornt do the cages and look around, I spot my two boys training and I feel my breath catch in my throat. "This was a bad idea, we should go." I hear Delgado say. "Yes, we should go, now." I try to hurry Chloe off. "No, wait-" "Mom? Dad?" Two male voices say. "We turn around to see my sons. "Mis hijos.." (my boys$ I say under my breath. "What are you doing here?" They ask in a hostile tone. "Delgado- I mean jellybean and I are old partners-" "CHLOE! We came all the way from Mexico, I have something to tell you. It's important." Delgado says. "Look we're kind of busy right now." One of my sons ,Antonio, says, "we're working on a bank robbing case." The other, Alberto, says. "oh mis muchachos, ya crecisteis.." (Oh my boys, you are grown) I whisper. They look over at me and they try to act annoyed but I can tell I'm their eyes that they know I love them. "BANK ROBBERY?! You can totally count on us to have your back!" Chloe says excited. "Not if two of them happen to be your parents. They've never had our back." Alberto says. My ears lower down to my head. "Don't speak to your mother like that." Delgado growls. "It's fine. I deserve it." The boys trainer whistles them back to the course, "we have to go now." "Uh..bye." And they take off to their human. "Parents? Is that a code word?" "No Chloe, those are our boys." I sigh. "Sons? I had no idea you had sons." Chloe states. "I thought with you by our side we would have the strength to tell them the truth.." Delgado looks back over to them sadly, I rub my head against his. We get up to walk away, "Forget it, can't change the past now. I'm sorry I dragged you into this Chloe." Delgado says.


I turned around and smiled at Papi in excitement, "what do we need to do?" Papi looked at me surprised at how quick I wanted to help but smiled at me in appreciation. "Wait a minute, (y/n), Delgado and you are police dogs not some old fighter dogs! You guys will get into trouble!" I hear Chloe exclaim. "Chloe I don't want you guys to lose the house, I don't care anymore if I'm a police dog but I need to try and help my friends!" I say sadly. Chloe looks at me with sympathy and so does everybody else and nods, "alright what's the plan?"


Delgado POV
I watch the human walk up the steps and knock on the door, before quickly jumping of the window ledge and turning to the others. "It's go time!"


The humans go around the house, I hear the pups dealing with the woman, mean while Delgado, Pedro and I are working on the other male human. We wait by the window, paws on the windowsill. "This is going to be fun." I giggle. We hear the humans latter be placed on the outside of the window sill, he climbs up and is greeted by us. "Can't we all just get along?" Pedro smiles and it terrifies the human, causing him to fall backwards and land on the table. "Good thing that table was there to break his fall." Pedro smiles at us. We hear the other human male with glasses, who we assume is the banker, scream. We run outside with Papi and Chloe, the human screams at our people and the one thing we understand is, "we're taking the house." And everyone went silent.


We pull up to Vivs house. "santa mier-" (Holy sh-) "Delgado! There are pups present!" I whisper yell. We all get served some fancy dog food for dinner but we cant eat. Not even the humans can eat. The older woman gets up to leave the room while crying. "Ugh I'm to depressed to eat.." I hear Chloe say. "Hey..." I lift my head hearing Chloe. "Beverly hills dog show?" I intently listen, waiting for her to go on. "$50,000 dollar prize?! That's it! We should enter the dog show! Papi look!" Chloe says excitedly. "My love! You're a genius!" Papi exclaims. "If we win, the money would save the house!" Chloe looks really long and hard the the picture of that poodle and then growls "That's it. Your going down frenchie!" Papi gets up and walks towards her, he stop beside her. "We're going to do this! Let's tell Sam!" They both start to bark and howl at him. He looks at them but goes back to reading the paper. They continue to bark while Chloe poses. "Hello I want to do the dog show!" Sam chuckles at Chloe "look at you posing....dog show?" He looks back and forth between Chloe and the poodle. "Wait a second..oh my gosh..you guys could be in the dog show! That $50,000 dollar prize could save the house." Everybody else lifts their heads to listen in more. "Good idea Chloe!" "Finally! Guys are sooo slow." I chuckle.


I watch sadly as Delgado passes back and forth infornt of me, the cool night breeze blowing through our furs. I hear little paws approaching, "you okay amigo?" "Yea, sure.." he says unconvincingly. "We know your worried about your sons. Please tell us what happened." Chloe pleads "we're your friends, you can trust us!" Papi adds on. Delgado sigh. "About 3 years ago, when we were on the force of Mexico, we apprehended some pretty bad guys.." he pauses. "We also got their dogs..those dogs said they would get their revenge by hurting our pups." He growls. " So he toke our boys out of the country and brought them to los angelous..thought they'd be safer away from us." I sigh looking down. "It's the hardest thing I've ever done." He continues "don't turn around, don't turn around" he mumbles to himself with his eye closed. I nudge him. "We went into hiding and we lost contact with our sons. As time went by, we knew we had to find them again." "And now they think we abandoned them for no reason." I sigh. "But if you tell them what happened, they'll understand!" Papi tries to help. "They won't listen to me.." Delgado stops. "After the dog show I'm going back to Mexico." And he walks away. I sigh and follow after him.

I'm back 😉

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