✨Part 3- Faboo ✨

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We walk into the colourful modern building, we look around at all the fancy and proper dogs around us. I stick close to my people and walk towards the counter. "That is one big check. Sam your going to need a bigger wallet!" Papi laughs. We walk up to the counter and let the humans talk, the man behind the counter looks at us, then goes back to talking to the humans. We walk past the poodle from the paper. "Ugh do I smell garbage? Oh? Oh no, it is just the peasant dogs." Her little trio laughs at her jokes. "Oh we're the ones who smell huh? Well there's a reason poodles start with the word poo!" Papi yells as he gets dragged away. We can hear the little dogs laugh and the poodle let out a prominent hmph.


We can hear the announcers start up the show and announces random things. There were three categories, beauty, style , and talent. "You guys ready to do this?" Sam says. "I'm in!" Delgado says. "Me too." I put my paw in on top of his. Everyone else joins. "Viva las Cortes!" (Might be spelt wrong) we all cheer. Let's get this party started.


A bunch of dogs go out before us, many being eliminated already. Chloe goes out and instantly wins peoples hearts. A few more dogs go out and then, Papi goes out. He passed through and hurried back stage. Pedro goes right after him and softly makes his way to the front of the stage, he passed through easily, people love a soft pit bull. Delgado goes out and people start to murmur and says some cruel things. He gets disqualified. He comes back stage feeling defeated. I lick his cheek, "it's alright my amor, you tried and that what counts." He perks up. I nervously await it to be my turn. I go out with the older woman and we walk down the run way, my coat shinning perfectly. I stop and pose for the judges infront of me, with some luck they passed me. I excitingly walk back to the backstage area and smile at the others. "I knew you would pass this stage Mi Corazon." Delgado said lovingly while licking my face. I giggle. Next level, style. Some dogs go out before us and I get charged. I walk out in my costume, "I feel ridiculous." I was wearing a mock police uniform with a little skirt at the end of the jacket, I had my actual badge collar on, and a little fake police hat. I hear Delgado snicker and then sit next to me, "I think you look adorable." My tail wags a bit. Pedro goes out and we all watch, he is dressed as a flower, "don't do it Pedro, wait don't-" Papi yells, Pedro smiles and the crowd stops. He quickly gets disqualified. "I'm sorry you guys." He says sadly.  The poodle goes out looking like a fat cupcake. We all laugh at her. Chloe goes out on a mock cloud, dressed as an angel. The crowd loves it and she passes very fast. Papi goes out after her dressed as a chihuahua warrior. The crowd goes crazy for it and he passes fairly quickly. Next is me. I step out with the older male who is dressed as a police officer, and the crowd starts to murmur, I try to ignore it and keep my head high. People start to clap and cheer for me. The judges are smiling and I pass. I hurry back and celebrate with my friends. We start to prepare for the last one. Talent. I sigh and the few others go, I have no real talents. I am better at my job then being a show dog. I go first and do a very simple trick which is jumping over a bunch of Ramps going through the course and back, I get disqualified and I walk back. "I'm sorry I didn't pass." I lay down next to Delgado and we lays his head on mine, our none verbal way of comfort. Other dogs go and get disqualified. The poodle goes out and paints a portrait of a trophy. Chloe goes out and plays the piano, she is almost done and everybody is enjoying it until she hits the wrong cord. Everyone starts to boo, and she panics and starts to whimper. "Sorry..." Papi comes out and barks, making everybody shit up and look at him. "How dare you! My Chloe is the most beautiful and the most stylish and the most talented dog sun the entire world! She has a coat like the whitest of snow, and eyes that sparkle like diamonds, and a heart as big as..." he pauses, people start to murmur. "Well as big as..why don't I just show you!" And he runs to the roses. "Papi, what are you doing?" Chloe asks, he for back and forth between the roses and placing them down around Chloe until it forms a huge heart around her. "Mi amor..she has a heart as big as this one!" And everyone erupts into cheers. The judges are left speechless. "My Chloe will live in my heart forever!"
Chloe licks his cheek. Papi makes it to the finals. The poodles human calls the judge over and she tells him something. That is when the judges find out Papi is a stray and nobody knows if he is a pure breed. Sam makes a speech. "Fight the tears.. I'm not gonna do it, I'm not gonna cry.. I'm not gonna cry..." sadly Papi gets disqualified and we all get our stuff and get ready to leave.


We sit at the house depressed. Delgado and I lay around the house, planning to leave in the next few hours. "Papi come quick! I cant find the puppy's, I've looked everywhere!" Chloe yells. "What? gone?" "Oh no, maybe they're hiding somewhere!" Pedro says. We all start to scream for the kids to come out. Delgado sniffs the air, "The scents old, they're not in the house." "If anything happens to them, I don't know what I'll do.." Chloe cries. "Don't worry mi amor! I will not let that happen!" Papi reassured her. "Oh where could they be..."


Done another chapter 😎

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