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Seven's POV

Fuck. My head is killing me. I feel like it's splitting in two or someone is trying to hammer my skull from the inside.
I can't remember anything that happened last night. The last thing I can recall is me dancing with some random guy before Alex came and.....took me home?

Groaning, I try to get out of bed and get ready for the day. There's not much to do today, since we're off for the rest of the week. I pull on a pair of white shorts and a white shirt before making my way out the door.

Just as I make it to the corridor, Four walks out of his room, dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and black T-shirt

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Just as I make it to the corridor, Four walks out of his room, dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and black T-shirt. The moment I see him, it occurs to me that I might have done some embarrassing things last night.

He nods and walks past me but I stop him before he makes it far.
'About yesterday....,' I start and Four tenses. I must have done something really awkward. I feel my cheeks heat up as I try to recall what happened.

Realization hits me and I wish I was invisible.

'I'm sorry if I did anything weird and embarrassed myself,' I say hurriedly and scurry down the stairs not wanting to face him any longer.

'Woah Seven, you look terrible.' Liams says handing me the cookie he just took a bite from.

'You don't look so good either.' I scoff and Four joins us in the kitchen.
'We were so drunk last night. I don't know how you guys came back but we barely managed to make it home with Liam trying to throw up in the car,' Mel says.

'We're watching a movie. You should join.'

'Mmhmm. I'll see.' I tell her.

'Come on, you have to!' Liam shouts literally dragging me to the couch.

'Here, it's honey water for the hangover.' Blake hands me a cup before giving it to the others too.

He's the only mature guy in the group, I swear the others are kids.


Liam puts on Stranger things and they all settle down. Four soon appears and takes a seat beside me. We binge watch the series until I leave when it's afternoon to check something at Headquarters.

I start my car and the engine roars to life. The door suddenly opens and Four slides in beside me.

'What do you think you're doing?' I ask him and he just stares at me.

'I'm coming with you. You promised to let me help you.'

Choosing to ignore him, I pull out of the garage and make my way to the office.

The other agents nod at us in acknowledgment and we make it to our destination in no time.

Boss has been absent for days since he had to meet someone abroad. Checking to see if we're not being watched, I stealthily creep into his office, Four behind me.

I make sure to freeze the cameras in the room, before searching for anything that will be useful to us. Alex calls me over and I see the file in his hands named 'Beast'.
'What does it mean?'

'There's only one way to find out.'

He quickly scans the documents while I transfer the files on Boss's computer.

By the time we've got everything we need, it's late evening and the clouds are gray.

'I'm hungry. You?' Four asks and I nod.

'Yeah, let's get something to eat.'

We decide on a pizza and eat to our heart's content.

The restaurant happens to be in the middle of a busy street so my car is parked about a block away.

The sky suddenly grumbles and it starts to rain. Alex grabs my hand and we run towards the roof in front of a flower shop. I like the rain. The smell of moist soil fills my nostrils and I feel at peace. What I don't like is the cold that comes with the rain. It doesn't help that I'm wearing only a tank top. I knew I should have brought a jacket.

Alex suddenly realizes that he's still holding my hand, and quickly turns away after letting me go.

The rain isn't going to stop anytime soon so we just make a run for the car. Alex holds his coat over us, to shield us from the rain and we run, laughing like little kids. It's nothing special but it's kinda fun to run in the rain.

I feel bad to make my car wet but we don't have a choice. I rush in and turn on the heater, still shivering from the cold.

We're both soaked and the team looks at us suspiciously when we arrive. They don't ask us anything, which I'm grateful for.

Four's POV
I watch as Seven lays the papers on the table. The others are now fast asleep so we're alone in the meeting room, going over what we found.

She has her hair up in a bun, some stray stands framing her face. She looks beautiful. I still can't get the kiss out of my head. I don't think she remembers it but I do. It made my heart beat so quick, I had to pull away for fear I might have a heart attack. I haven't felt like this since...then.

Shaking the thought off, we check the documents.

Test #4
Bleeding through mouth and nose.
10 minutes

Test #5
20 minutes

Test #6
Bleeding but stopped in time.
4 hours

Test #7
Minimal bleeding
6 hours
Under Close Watch
To be released asap.

'These look like experiment records.' Seven says, turning to me.

'Seems like they're testing something out. We need to find more. Can you perhaps get some email records or something?'

'I'll try tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep.' She stretches and yawns before wishing me good night.

I go over the documents again and stop when I notice the words 'meeting with The Vipers' at the bottom of the page.

The Vipers.

Cain Foreman, leader of the Vipers, the American Mafia aka Stephanie's boyfriend, aka our biggest enemy.

Another chapter! Please vote and leave comments! Love you guys!

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